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Valley Spirit: October 19, 1870

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The Victory in the County and District
(Column 01)
Summary: Announces with joy the total victory of the Democratic ticket in the 16th District. Mocked Republican efforts to carry the election and denounces Democrats who abandoned their party for bribes or favors. Predicts even greater victories for Democrats in the future.
Full Text of Article:

The smoke of the late political battle has cleared away, leaving a large number of Radical dead and wounded upon the field. It is admitted by everybody that the result is a Radical defeat and of course a Conservative triumph. Never was there a greater disappointment to the Radical leaders. By the adoption of the Fifteenth Amendment and the consequent exercise of the right of suffrage by the negroes, these leaders confidently anticipated a Waterloo defeat for the Democracy.

In the Sixteenth Congressional District eleven hundred negroes were registered.--Franklin County furnished six hundred and fifty of this number. They voted the Radical ticket almost without exception. By the help of these sable individuals, Cessna counted on getting a majority of five hundred in this county alone. He undertook the brag game as is usual with him, and boasted that he would beat Meyers one thousand in the District. He made a canvass as vigorous as any that could have been made. Meetings were held at all the cross-roads and school houses. Bands were hired at an immense expenditure to attend these meetings. Prominent speakers from abroad were brought into the District to bolster up the little demagogue. Hon. John Allison, Register of the Treasury, undertook the difficult work of convincing the people that it was their duty to reelect Cessna. He seems to have been the most discerning man of all who came among us for he wrote to Washington that it was impossible to save Cessna. Col. Jordan up the record which he made in 1868 against the little trickster and actually advocated Cessna's election.

Nearly every man who heard him had read the address in which he had denounced this man as a hypocrite and an unprincipled politician. Col. Jordan can congratulate himself as peculiarly fortunate that our people laid as strong a regard for his feelings as to refrain from calling him to account upon the subject of that address. They knew the falsity of his utterances in his speach when he said that Cessna was a war man from the very inception of the rebellion. But they had that high sense of propriety which kept them quiet while Col. Jordan was belittling himself in their eyes by attempting to gloss over with a few glittering generalities what he had written before with such striking instances of detail.

Mr. Chance was plucked up from Von Amburgh's Menagerie for the purpose of amusing the negroes of the district and Cessna took a few private lessons from him so that he might be able to do something in the same line of business.

In short, every effort was made that could be made to insure Cessna's success. Mr. Meyers was pictured as a worse rebel than Longstreet, Stuart or Wade Hampton.--Radical speakers could not utter his name with the slightest respect. Mr. Stewart was pleased to designate him everywhere as "an unmitigated and unrepentant rebel," and also to state that he would not have appeared to address the people in this campaign if the Democracy had not nominated a traitor.

All the talkers of the party in Chambersburg were sent out to the meetings. The "hounds of Zion" were called into requisition and Rev. C.W. McKeehan went upon the stump to uphold the gigantic fraud known as the Fifteenth Amendment and to sustain the man who voted for the bill to enforce that amendment. If McKeenhan, Hays, McGowan, Cook, Garner, Mahon, Stumbaugh and Hamman had held another series of meetings, the Democratic majority would have reached five or six hundred.--We bespeak their services for the next campaign.

The Democracy have abundant reason to rejoice. They have fought the battle in the face of apparently overwhelming numbers and have triumphed gloriously. They have administered a severe drubbing to the renegade who was always in search of office in the Democratic party, and who has been a candidate ever since he went into the enemy's camp. Cessna has been rejected by a majority of his constituents, and in this result all good men should rejoice.

The Democrats in all the Counties in the District have done nobly except in Bedford. The Radical majority in Somerset has been reduced. Little Fulton has given a larger majority than usual and Adams and Franklin, notwithstanding the large negro vote within their limits, have given good Democratic majorities. According to the extract from the Bedford Gazette which we publish in another column, some of the Democrats in that County were bought and threw their influence in favor of Cessna. The editor of the Gazette has denounced this treacherous conduct in appropriate terms.

The same treachery was practised in this County to a small extent. One or two dissatisfied Democrats took Cessna's money and paid it out at the rate of two dollars per vote, to defeat Meyers and the Democratic Legislative ticket. But Cessna, or whoever furnished the money, might have just as profitably thrown it into a rat hole. Some few took the money and then voted the full Democratic ticket, whilst the greater portion of the money remained in the pockets of the traitorous agents who stipulated to sell out the party. The animosity of these agents was chiefly leveled at Captain Skinner, the Democratic candidate for Assembly from this County. It must be a source of infinite satisfaction to these agents to observe that instead of running behind, he is elected by a larger majority than that given to any other man on the ticket. They may thus be enabled to put a proper estimate upon their own secret efforts and to see the extent of their boasted influence. At such a rate, it does not pay them to keep on the war-path as bushwhackers. They had far better enlist under the banner of the enemy and give their important services entirely to the work of crushing out the Democratic party.

It strikes us that this is a very bad time for a Democrat to desert his party. For ten years that grand old organization has met with defeat. The day of her victory is just being ushered in. One would think that the Democrat who had suffered defeat so long would feel like sticking to his party until the tide would turn. But a few--and they were very few--deceived by the idea that such a large number of negro voters must give permanent success to the Radicals, abandoned their old party in the belief that they were about to get upon the winning side. We congratulate them upon their choice, and trust that they will not attempt to crawl back into the Democratic ranks, now that victory has perched upon our banner.

Let one universal shout go up from the throats of Conservative men for this glorious victory in the Sixteenth District.

The State O. K.
(Column 05)
Summary: Prints tables showing the voting breakdown in each town for each candidate in the election. Emphasizes the gains made by Democrats among Pennsylvania congressional representatives.
Full Text of Article:

The following table gives the vote cast for each of the candidates on the County ticket at the election on Tuesday last.

DISTRICTS Packer for Governor in 1869 Geary for Governor in 1869 Meyers for Congress Cessna for Congress Skinner for Assembly Milliken for Assembly Mahon for Assembly Fosselman for Assembly Antrim 485 597 529 544 528 524 555 555 Chamb'g, N. W. 253 323 249 341 283 245 344 315 Chamb'g, S. W. 271 258 279 427 311 277 420 401 Concord 99 23 91 26 98 97 24 23 Dry Run 103 105 101 106 112 101 108 101 Fayetteville 210 220 209 206 277 208 201 200 Greenvillage 114 183 129 100 144 121 190 187 Guilford 210 182 210 208 245 239 191 189 Hamilton 156 68 156 111 170 165 106 110 Letterkenny 229 149 209 117 209 208 218 119 Lurgan 153 69 142 78 143 142 77 78 Loudon 119 78 135 86 125 125 86 86 Metal 96 132 104 142 112 106 137 139 Montgomery 172 205 120 255 204 209 231 245 Orrstown 140 86 144 70 149 146 71 68 Peters 69 136 78 147 84 81 144 148 Quincy 299 214 298 280 325 288 288 208 Southampton 73 49 82 81 69 66 65 Sulphur Springs 46 38 51 32 51 30 St. Thomas 231 147 239 135 245 242 132 133 Washington 297 330 309 320 315 307 323 319 Warren 58 35 47 38 47 47 33 33 Welsh Run 139 124 142 117 148 162 119 128 Total 4006 3698 4167 3981 4346 4140 3978 3873 DISTRICTS Worley for Comm'r Huber for Comm'r M'Ferren for D. Poor Strickler for D. Poor Patton for J. Comm'r Mackey for J. Com'r Sellers for Auditor Cresslar for Auditor Antrim 518 568 522 569 528 558 528 558 Chamb'g N. W. 244 350 268 335 269 344 269 345 Chamb'g S. W. 287 425 298 414 290 425 285 428 Concord 97 24 97 24 97 24 97 24 Dry Run 101 110 101 110 96 115 101 110 Fayetteville 211 203 216 198 210 204 210 204 Greenvillage 128 197 129 196 129 196 130 195 Guilford 235 194 234 198 240 192 240 192 Hamilton 164 114 166 112 166 112 166 112 Letterkenny 206 120 207 119 207 119 207 119 Lurgan 142 78 142 78 142 78 142 78 Loudon 125 86 125 86 125 86 125 86 Metal 107 140 107 140 106 140 107 140 Montgomery 200 251 201 250 201 250 201 250 Orrstown 146 71 146 71 145 72 146 70 Peters 80 146 80 146 80 146 81 145 Quincy 293 240 298 235 298 235 298 235 Southampton 82 65 82 65 82 65 79 68 Sulphur Springs 50 33 50 33 49 32 50 33 St. Thomas 240 136 241 135 241 135 240 136 Washington 309 323 309 323 309 323 309 323 Warren 47 33 47 33 47 33 47 33 Welsh Run 142 124 142 124 142 124 142 124 Total 4153 4028 4202 3985 4169 4009 4176 4004


Meyer's majority 186 Skinner's majority over Mahon 368 Skinner's Majority Over Fosselman 473 Milliken's majority over Mahon 162 Milliken's Majority Over Fosselman 267 Worley's Majority 128 McFerren's Majority 217 Patton's Majority 169 Seller's Majority 172

Official Majorities for Congress

Meyers Cessna Franklin 186 Fulton 420 Adams 325 Bedford 32 Somerset 948 Meyer's Total 963 Cessna's Total 948 Meyer's Majority 15

Official Majorites in Perry County for Assembly

Milliken over Fosselman 149 Milliken over Mahon 232 Skinner over Fosselman 138 Skinner over Mahon 216

Pennsylvania in the Next Congress

We believe we are safe in claiming a gain of six members. We lose one in the Twelfth District now represented by Judge Woodward, which leaves us a net gain of five. The delegation will in all probability, stand as follows:

First district, Samuel J. Randal, Dem.

Second, John V. Creely, Ind.

Third, Leonard Myers, Rep.*

Fourth, Wm. D. Kelley, Rep.

Fifth, A.C. Harner, Rep.

Sixth, E.L. Acker, Dem.

Seventh, Washington Townsend, Rep.

Eighth, J Lawerence Getz, Dem.*

Ninth, Oliver J. Dicey, Rep.*

Tenth, John W. Killenger, Rep.

Eleventh, John B. Storms, Dem.

Thirteenth, Ulysses Moreur, Rep.*

Fourteenth, John B. Packer, Rep.*

Fifteenth, R.J. Haldeman, Dem.*

Sixteenth, B.F. Meyers, Dem, gain.

Seventeenth, R. Mitten-Speer, Dem, gain.

Eighteenth, H. Sherwood, Dem, gain.

Nineteenth, G.W. Schofield, Rep.*

Twentieth, Samuel Griffiths, Dem, gain.

Twenty-first, Henry D. Foster, Dem, gain.

Twenty-second, James S. Negley, Rep.*

Twenty-third, Ebenzer McJunkie, Rep.

Twenty-fourth, Wm. McClelland, Dem, gain.

* signifies Re-elected

Republicans 12 Democrats 11 Independent 1

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Prisoners Escaped
(Column 01)
Summary: Thomas Tate, an African American jailed on suspicion of stealing chickens, escaped on Friday night.
(Names in announcement: Thomas Tate)
Base Ball
(Column 01)
Summary: The Printer's Nine of Chambersburg met a club from Mercersburg in a game of baseball played at the Chambersburg Fair Grounds.
I. O. G. T.
(Column 01)
Summary: A Good Templars District Convention will be held in Chambersburg. Each lodge will send four delegates. A children's mass meeting and an excursion will be held in conjunction with the convention.
(Names in announcement: Rev. E. W. Kirby, John Gilmore, Dr. N. Schlosser, William Hazlett, William Tolbert)
Olive Logan's Lecture
(Column 01)
Summary: The paper expresses disappointment with Olive Logan's lecture delivered in Repository Hall. Her "unnatural" delivery made the audience "uneasy." She was strongest in her "portrayal of the ruin of the beautiful girl," but even this was "marred" by "frivolity."
Opening of Wilson College
(Column 02)
Summary: The paper prints an account of the opening ceremonies at Wilson College. The day began with prayers and invocations. Addresses were delivered on the history of the founding of the college, and on its hopes for the future.
(Names in announcement: Rev. I. N. Hays, Rev. Thomas Creigh, Rev. Tryon Edwards, J. Agnew Crawford)
[No Title]
(Column 03)
Summary: Lists all the men elected to local offices in each town of Franklin county.
Full Text of Article:

The Elections held on the 11th inst., for borough, ward and township officers in this county, resulted in the election of the following persons:

Antrim.--Judge, Samuel G. Stover, majority 31, Radical; Inspectors, James K. Davidson, John Frantz; Supervisors, William Gosard, Samuel Phillippy, Sr., Daniel Sourbeck, William Detrick; School Directors, C.S. Whitmore, Henry Omwake; Assessor, A.R. Brewbaker; Assistant Assessors, J.W. Jacoby, Nathan H. Brumbaugh; Constable, Henry Baltzley; Auditor, C.D. Lesher; Township Clerk, Samuel Lesher.

Chambersburg Borough.--Burgess, James G. Elder; Town Council, F.S. Giliespie, S.F. Greenawalt, J.L. Suesseroll, Peter Kreichbaum, Thomas Henneberger; School Directors, James Hamilton, L.S. Clarke; Assessor, R.P. Hazelet; Assistant Assessors, A.H. Newman, D.A. Wertz; Auditor, Andrew McIlwain.

Chambersburg--North Ward.--Judge, A.D. Kaufman, maj. 77, Rad.; Inspectors, S.W. Hays, J.W. Douglas; Justice of the Peace, S.M. Armstrong; Constable, R.K. McClellan.

Chambersburg--South Ward.--B. J. Maurer, Rad.; Inspectors, Jacob Holtzworth, D.F. Lesber; Justice of the Peace, Samuel Reisher; Constable, Frank Zarman, Jr.

Dry Run.--Judge, Thomas Zeigler, maj. 7, Rad.; Inspectors, Simon Bair, George Rutter.

Concord.--Hugh Wallace, maj. 75, Dem.; Inspectors, Wm. Hockenberry, Thomas J. Harris.

Sulphur Spring.--Judge, John L. Junkins, maj. 17, Dem.; Inspectors, John H. Rowls, James Fegan.

Fannett.--Assessor, M.L. Hammond; Assistant Assessors, Joseph B. Irwin, Stephen Culbertson; School Directors, Alex. W. Campbell, David J. Skinner, W.D. Funston; Supervisors, W.G. Kirkpatrick, H.J. Hockenberry, Geo. Shields; Auditor, John H. Little.

Green.--Justice of the Peace. Robert Mahon; Assessor, J.S. Bittinger; Assistant Assessors, John R. Thompson, Levi Hurst; Supervisors, Henry Lutz, Daniel Hammel, Daniel Rock; School Directors, Philip Fishburn, N.E. Mahon; Auditor, A.H. Etter; Township Clerk, Franklin Besort; Constable, Samuel Grove.

Greenvillage.--Judge, Jacob Plough, maj. 76, Rad.; Inspectors, James Cambers, John Lindsay.

Fayetteville.--Judge, George Cook; Inspectors, John Speidle, John Duffield.

Guilford.--Supervisors, Findley Peters, Samuel Disert, Sr., Jeremiah Overcash; School Directors, Pharez McFerren, 3 yrs., David W. Small, 3 yrs., Benjamin George, 1 yr.; Assessor, James McFerren; Assistant Assessors, Samuel Grossman, Jacob Rejehard; Constable, George Stever; Treasurer, Frederick Getwicks; Auditor, Jacob C. Snyder.

Chambersburg--Guilford.--Judge George Skelley, maj. 44 Dem.; Inspectors, Upton Henderson, J.C. Coble.

Hamilton.--Judge, Wm. A. Bossert, maj. 52, Dem.; Inspectors, B.F. Groover, A.F. Faust; Supervisors, John Raffsnider, Andrew Bard, Jacob Groover; School Directors, J.C. Ritle, Jacob Keefer; Assessor, Robt. A. Moore; Assistant Assessor, Daniel Walker, B.B. Picking; Constable, Samuel West; Auditor, S.S. Reisher; Township Clerk, D.C. Ward.

Letterkenny.--Judge, Elias Zellinger, Maj. 98, Dem.; Inspectors, Isaac Brubaker, Elias D. Shearer; Supervisors, David Guyer, Henry Franciscus, George Heller; School Directors, Joseph Gilmore, John Besore; Assessor, John H. Cormany; Assistant assessors, George Zeitle, Hezekial Anderson; Constable, Joseph Gabler; Township Treasurer, Michael D. Mitler; Auditor, John Diefenbaugh; Township Clerk, Wm. Brenneman.

Metal.--Judge, S.C. McCurdy, Maj. 31, Rad.; Inspectors, James V. Dazis; John S. Shaffer; Supervisors, Wm. Wilson, John Ketty, Sr.; School Directors, Joline E. Jones, A.C. Typher; Assessor, Jacob Flickinger; Assistant Assessors, Daniel Nusbaum, James J. Hill; Justice of the Peace, J.M. Montgomery; Constable, M. Skinner; Treasurer J.J. Besore; Auditors, A.C. Wilson, Wm. Park; Township Clerk, John C. Miller.

Quincy.--Judge, Malchi Elden, maj. 36, Dem.; Inspectors, Joseph Rock, Jr., Daniel Heefner; Supervisors, Charles J. Smith, John Decker, Jacob Heller; School Directors, John Heller, William Hayman; Assessor, John K. Smith; Assistant Assessors, Henry Row, Daniel Bonebrake; Constable, Jacob Menu; Auditor, Robert W. McCleary; Township Clerk, Frank Kurtz.

St. Thomas.--Judge, George W. Harrison, maj. 106, Dem.; Inspectors, John W. Gilliam, John Rovermester; Assessor, Jacob Hockersmith; Assistant Assessors, Peter Kerlin, John Deatrich, Sr.; Supervisors, Wm. H. McCleary, William Rosenberry, Daniel Finefrock; School Directors, Frederick Gelwicks, David Keller; Auditor, Archibald Hay; Township Clerk, Cyrus F. Reed; Constable, Amos H. Deatrich.

Warren.--Judge, Emanuel Yeakle, maj. 7, Dem.; Inspectors, Abraham Secriat, L.D. Hershner; School Directors, J.C. McCulloch, Jacob Yeakle; Assessor, Stephen L. Phenicle; Assistant Assessors, L.D. Kershner; Supervisors, Joseph Fritz, Jacob Bair; Auditor, Solomon Cook; Constable, Jacob S. Zimmerman; Justice of the Peace, Jacob Waltz; Township Clerk, S.L. Phenicle.

Southampton.--Judge, Christian Hemberger, maj. 12, Dem.; Inspectors, Daniel C. Shirley, James Spengler; Supervisors, J.H. McCulloh, George W. Kahle; School Directors, Josiah Etter, W.H. Blair; Assessor, Joseph Booz; Assistant Assessors, Isaac Killinger, John Sharpe, Jr.; Constable, Hugh Smith; Auditor, James B. Platerer; Township Clerk, John M. Hamilton.

Orrstown.--Judge, H.G. Skiles, maj. 75, Dem.; Inspectors, C.B. Mahon, John Foglemoner.

Washington.--Judge, Jacob S. Good, maj. 9, Rad.; Inspectors, James McIlvania, J.J. Miller; Assessor, M.A. Gordon; Assistant Assessors, Charles West, Daniel Potter; Auditor, Samuel Welty; Supervisors, G.V. Mong, Jacob Potter, John Rogers; School Directors, Peter Honzen, David Gilbert, B.F. Funk; Constable, Henry Heanscle.

Mercersburg Borough.--Burgess, T. McAllen; Constable and Assessor, G.W. Wilkins; Assistant Assessors, J.W. Holman, John Cuskwa; School Directors, John Webster, J.G. Brown.

Montgomery.--Judge, Robert Parker, maj. 72, Rad.; Inspectors, James Agnew and William Boyd; School Directors, John H. Allen, Jacob Reed and Wm. Walters; Justice of the Peace, John M'Laughlin; Constable, T.M. Guesseman; Assessor, A.R. Ithea; Assistant Assessors, Jacob Bohrer, Jacob Elliott; Supervisors, Samuel Spear, John Lee, Jacob Bricker; Auditor, C. Dally; Clerk, H.R. Robinson.

Peters.--Judge,M.L. M'Clellan, maj. 75, Rad.; Inspectors, Samuel Baker, J.W. Hays; Supervisors, David Vanes, Geo. Potter, Jan. Campell; School Directors, E. M'Cullough, W.E. M'Dowell; Assessor, J.H. M'Gaughy; Assistant Assessors, R.P. M'Farland, G.W. Cromer; Justice, S.J. Baker; Constable, J. Haulman.

Loudon.--Judge, R. Gould, maj. 45, Dem.; Inspectors, John M'Laughlin and Samuel Stenger.

(Column 05)
Summary: Samuel F. Eiker and Miss Jennie Cook, both of Franklin, were married on October 4th by the Rev. A. Tripner.
(Names in announcement: Samuel F. Eiker, Jennie Cook, Rev. A. Tripner)
(Column 05)
Summary: Lewis D. Warnick and Miss Charlotte Zecks, both of Franklin County, were married on September 9th by the Rev. A. Tripner.
(Names in announcement: Lewis D. Warnick, Charlotte Zecks, Rev. A. Tripner)
(Column 05)
Summary: Daniel Fortney and Miss Mary E. Runnal, both of Quincy, were married on October 13th by the Rev. John Fohl at his Chambersburg residence.
(Names in announcement: Daniel Fortney, Mary E. Runnal, Rev. John Fohl)
(Column 05)
Summary: John G. Wiestling died at Mont Alto on October 14th of lung disease.
(Names in announcement: John G. Wiestling)

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