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Valley Virginian: January 16, 1867

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Pleasant Homes
(Column 07)
Summary: This article argues that "the worship of a dollar does more to degrade American homes than all else." The author encourages Americans to put some care and money into building pleasant homes which will ideally stay in the family for generations. It will implant culture and values in youth, and lead to happy family life.

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The Situation
(Column 02)
Summary: This editorial ranges over the political questions of the day. It criticizes the policies and proposed amendments supported by the radical Congress and congratulates the South for resisting them and continuing to progress materially.
Full Text of Article:

It is the same old story. We can see now no decided improvement in the article, but we think we see signs of a change for the better, as far as the Southern people are concerned; and who cares for anything else?

The proceedings of Congress possess too little variety to justify us in filling up the columns of the Valley Virginian with them. We know our readers will appreciate the kind feelings we have for them, when we only give a synopsis.

The Radicals are still hammering away at various and sundry amendments to the Constitution our "rebel" forebears formed and, like all "Jack-legs," they are making a very bad "job" of it. The resolution of a member from Ohio, looking to an impeachment of Mr. Johnson, has been laid on the table of the "Judiciary Committee" and will, probably, lie there, unless the Radical party are fools. The President exhibits no uneasiness on the subject and his veto of the negro suffrage bill, for the District of Columbia, shows he can be trusted.

Terrible things--awful penalties, are threatening us, if we don't do exactly as the Radical mob wish us to do; if we don't vote for the "Constitutional Amendment," so called, and swear we were all wrong--"traitors," fools and cowards. Mr. Thad Stevens desires to make the Sovereign States of the South "territories," he proposes to re-organize our State governments, not according to the Constitution we made, but upon the new and original idea, that Congress is all powerful and he is its "Prophet." Many of the smaller dogs, the [unclear] of Congress, are trying to outdo Thaddeus in his brutal talk, and you can hear some of their voices clear, and the barking of the whole pack, but, in the end, that sturdy mastiff, the law and the right will quiet them all. All the thousand and one foolish things said and done in Washington can not influence our future, if we will only work and have an eye single to the material development of our country for
"After passion cometh reason--the better spirits wait"--
not in childish repinings over what is lost forever, but work in the confidence of the Justice of a merciful Father--knowing that the "laborer is always worthy of his hire."

The Radical Congressional Excursion party has returned to Washington from New Orleans. They were feasted, they rode in "special trains," and had a good time generally--hard by and over the graves of our martyred dead. This cost the conciliatory policy men of the South some $30,000; while the widows and orphans of the men they [unclear] death to are starving. We hope it had a good effect on these radical gentlemen, but we can't help wishing (we trust we are not disloyal) our poor had the money spent.

The "Silver lining to the Cloud" of our troubles, is the present passive state of the South politically, and its steady, persevering efforts materially. And there is to [unclear] comfort to be delivered [unclear] contentious of the radicals [unclear] in their respective States. When rogues fall out modest men get their dues--let them fight over the bone.

The Virginia legislature has showed itself worthy of the State, it has openly and quietly voted to reject the Amendment. Let it act as wisely in its nomination for our next governor.

Building Association
(Column 03)
Summary: This article describes how a building association would work. The poor would be able to make gradual payments on a house, receiving title in full within a few years. According to the article, rural districts in France and England have had success with such an institution, and Staunton would benefit from it.
(Column 03)
Summary: This letter to the editor praises the Staunton Thespians. In addition to being entertaining, they help the town since admission fees go to charitable causes and keep the money in Staunton.
(Column 05)
Summary: The Valley Virginian criticizes the Mobile Tribune for calling William Yancy one of the "worst enemies of the South," even "among the Lincolns, Butlers and John Browns."

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[No Title]
(Column 02)
Summary: The State Legislature is expected to pass a bill granting $15,000 to Staunton's Deaf, Dumb and Blind Institute for improvements. "Our home mechanics should do the work. See to it."
"A Word To The Wise"
(Column 03)
Summary: The paper sarcastically calls the Staunton Town Council "wise," as it urges them to forgo costly improvements to "Gospel Hill" in favor of combatting cholera by cleaning the town, ensuring plenty of fresh water, and providing the Street Commissioner with a salary. "Has any member of the council boldness enough and common sense enough to devise means to effect these much desired ends?"
(Column 04)
Summary: Col. S. A. East, of Rockbridge, and Miss Lucy V. Howell, of Augusta, were married on December 12th by the Rev. J. Pinkerton.
(Names in announcement: Col. S. A. East, Lucy V. Howell, Rev. J. Pinkerton)
(Column 04)
Summary: Walter Hazlewood Bell, infant son of Dr. J. C. and M. M. Bell, died on December 31st. He was 6 months old. "Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not. For such is the Kingdom of Heaven."
(Names in announcement: Walter Hazlewood Bell, Dr. J. C. Bell, M. M. Bell)
(Column 04)
Summary: Lt. John F. Stafford, of the 5th Virginia Infantry, died at his Staunton residence on January 13th. He was 49 years old.
(Names in announcement: Lt. John F. Stafford)

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