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Valley Virginian: February 18, 1869

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The Present Duty of Virginia Statesmanship
(Column 01)
Summary: The author informs his reader that, whether they may like it or not, the fact remains that "negro suffrage" will be a component of reconstructed Virginia. Time has come for the political classes of Virginia to acknowledge this fact, accept it, and work for the best possible constitution under "the existing circumstances."
Full Text of Article:

It must be apparent to every thinking mind, that a new State Government for Virginia will be created in the immediate future. It is equally inevitable, that the Government will be established on the basis of negro suffrage. Should the Underwood Constitution, as it stands, be voted on and defeated, this, while it may pospone, it will not prevent the establishment of a "reconstructed" Government; nor will it prevent "negro suffrage" from being incorporated into the new constitution. Many political elements will influence the formation of this new government, entirely beyond the control of the hitherto governing classes of Virginia. These new political elements may not be legitimate, may even be revolutionary usurpation, but they are fixed and unalterable political facts, powerful political influences, which will certainly shape and modify the fundamental laws under which all the interests of all the people of Virginia must find protection, or destruction for years to come. It is now the duty of political statesmanship, to deal with all the elements that will constitute the formation of the new Government, not as principles, but as facts, and so to deal with these facts as will secure for the people of Virginia the best constitution and the best Government possible under the existing circumstances.

Gen. Lee's Position
(Column 01)
Summary: This article argues that Gen. Lee is in favor of the "New Movement," though its political opponents try to keep that fact from the public.
The Radical Party
(Column 01)
Summary: The author of this article exposes the political self-interest of the white southerner who has joined the Radical party. These scalawags are seen by their former associates as betraying the South for the sake of office. Adding further insult, the author illustrates that many of these men were once the most vehement supporters of secession.
Full Text of Article:

It is a fact not to be disguised that the party is daily receiving large accessions to its strength in Richmond, from those who want office--many of those too who are "going over" now are men who held respectable if not high stations among us.
Richmond Correspondence to the Index.

There are men in Augusta county, we are sorry to say, who have prostituted themselves by joining the Radical party, or in other words, have become scalawags through choice. What a fall to be sure, and what a change to come over men who, at one time, not only gloried in being called rebels but were among the first to proclaim their secessionist proclivities.

What is the object of all this? We answer, office. Mr. Blood-and-Thunder-kill-all-the-yankees wants and office and does not care how he gets it. Now we do not consider such men fit associates of the honest union men, through and through, and must confess our surprise that they are tolerated by them.

[No Title]
(Column 02)
Summary: This article reproduced from the Petersburg Index illustrates the success of the "new movement" in staving off the passing of the "Underwood Constitution." Wells, the "truest representative" of oppressive carpetbag politicians, is described as both impudent and unprincipled.
Full Text of Article:

The Petersburg Index says: "Whenever the measure of the late political movements in Virginia shall be correctly taken--their originators and participators will obtain credit for having accomplished much which is as yet unacknowledged, the assailants of those who commenced and have carried on the recent effort for pacification, have, without exception, lost sight of one important point in stating or arguing what has been done. Let it be remembered that when the Richmond Conference assembled, Congress, according to the best authority, was about to order an election in Virginia--an election which offered the Underwood Constitution with no alternative to this people. So the Republican State Committee had announced, and to this belief the Conservative Committee assembled in December. As to the result of an election held at the time then proposed, and under the circumstances then obtaining, there can be no doubt. We should have passed under the abominable yoke of the Constitution referred to, having the additional certain infliction of officers to execute its provisions who would have been chosen altogether from that class from whom Virginia, and Virginians of all parties and races, have most to fear--the impudent, unprincipled carpet bag element of which Wells is the master-spirit and the truest representative.

This was the fate to preserve the State from which the "new movement" was undertaken. And certainly some degree of success has attended the effort. The election has not been had--and every day which passes is a day gained--a day in which reason and interest, and the thousand natural influences which will at last produce harmonious reconstruction, are at work to render more improbable the fastening of an oppressive fraud upon the people of Virginia. We think that in the intervals of abuse our opponents might at least do the Conference and its Committee the justice to admit this much.

[No Title]
(Column 04)
Summary: General Stoneman appointed the following magistrates for Augusta County: Samuel Landis replaced William Crawford; Zachariah Colbreath replaced John J. Ellis; Robert Terril replaced George A. Bruce; Frank N. Myers replaced J. Y. Bell; John Wissler replaced William Chapman; David Myers replaced S. B. Finley; Elijah Curry replaced D. N. Vaughan; Charles Bates replaced Joseph D. Patterson; John A. Blune replaced William J. Sterrett; Henry R. Eakle replaced James D. Craig; Alexander Anderson replaced E. M. Curshing; John Smith replaced John M. Huff; Samuel Cline replaced Theophilus Gamble; Jacob Bean replaced Joe W. Cahoon; William Showalter replaced J. Marshal McCue; George A. Sherry replaced James Wilson; James F. Maupin replaced Charles C. Francisco; Jacob Stover replaced Absalom Koiner; David Fink replaced Henry Edson; Henry Rippitoe replaced William W. Montgomery; David Fishburner replaced William D. Anderson; Abner Shumake replaced T. J. Burke; David L. Snyder replaced Christy Minny; Militus G. Jones replaced John C. Rivercombe. In other appointments, Robert G. Bickle replaced Ira Benedict as member of the Staunton council; John H. Johns replaced Joseph Wilson as overseer of the poor for Augusta.

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The Inauguration
(Column 01)
Summary: The paper sarcastically reports that "a number of the Colored Aristocracy of Staunton" are preparing to go to Washington for the inauguration. They are having "fine clothing made up." "You bet they will be able to hold their own."
Baptist Church
(Column 01)
Summary: The extended revival at the Baptist Church ended on Sunday. 28 new people joined the church during the meetings.
National Life Insurance Company
(Column 01)
Summary: Reuben T. Phillips has been appointed agent of the National Life Insurance Company for the district that includes Augusta.
(Names in announcement: Reuben T. Phillips)
(Column 03)
Summary: Merritt W. Magann of Nelson County and Miss Elizabeth Stover of Augusta were married near Stuart's Draft on February 4th by the Rev. C. S. M. See.
(Names in announcement: Merritt W. Magann, Elizabeth Stover, Rev. C. S. M. See)
(Column 03)
Summary: Miss Nannie Catlett died in Staunton on February 15th.
(Names in announcement: Nannie Catlett)
(Column 03)
Summary: U. D. Poe died on February 10th at his residence near Spring Hill. He was 62 years old.
(Names in announcement: U. D. Poe)
(Column 03)
Summary: Nicholas Cleary died on February 12th after a short illness of congestion of the lungs. He was 53 years old. Cleary studied law and served as a judge in California where he earned distinction. After returning to Washington, he was sent to China as a US Navy Storekeeper. "Judge Cleary was a ripe scholar, gifted with strong mental powers. He was social, witty and generous, and by all his natural instincts a high toned gentleman. Although comparative a stranger in Staunton, his funeral was attended by an unusually large concourse of the most respectable citizens of the place." The Catholic Schools all paid their respects. He is survived by a young wife.
(Names in announcement: Nicholas Cleary)

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