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Valley of the Shadow

Valley Virginian: August 5, 1869

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(Column 01)
Summary: Since the recent election, the carpetbagger, the notorious seeker of money and office, has all but disappeared. The author rejoices in the carpetbaggers demise and writes this article for the sake of the education of future generations. The author traces the carpetbagger to his Puritan ancestors suggesting that they had been taught from an early age to pursue self-interest, no matter the cost. Further, he illustrates how carpetbaggers had duped black Virginians into believing that their former masters were now the enemy.
Full Text of Article:

The genus carpet-bagger is becoming rare in this section of the South since the election, and lest the characteristics of the tribe should be lost to history, we will essay to delineate them for the instruction, if not the benefit of the future. The genuine carpet-bagger is a descendant in a direct line from the Pilgrim Fathers, who were the original progenitors of the migratory tribe. The wandering gypsies who have infested Europe since the days of the Gauls, differ in many respects from the Yankee carpet-bagger. The former claim no house and may be said to be cosmopolites, free to go where and do as they please. The Yankee is an adventurer, avoiding the wild forests and lonely places to settle, for the time being, among the masses, make money and instill into the minds of the unenlightened the particular notions of his people. The almighty dollar is always before him, and his motto is "make money, honestly if you can, but make it at all events." Speculation is his great object--his home and home associations are nothing to him, for in youth he had been taught that to become great was to become rich; meanness and deceit were imbibed from the maternal breast, and what the liberal world considers unprincipled he was taught by his Puritan father to consider honorable. The termination of the war, so humiliating to the chivalric Southerner, opened a wide field to the speculative mind of the restless carpet-bagger. He thought he could make capital out of her misery--he saw a willing tool in the untutored negro placed suddenly upon a footing with his late master. With the little of worldly goods his niggardly father had granted him packed in a small bag, he goes into the land of promise, for he cares but little for the place of his birth, and, with a silvery tongue and "nary red" in his pocket, he harangues the gaping and thick-lipped crowd, tells them of their newly-acquired rights, their power at the polls, their claims to offices of emolument, the wrongs inflicted upon them by the disfranchised white rebels, and the duty they owe themselves and children to cut the throats of all their former persecutors and burn their houses to the ground. He stands firmly upon the platform that advises eternal hatred to the white "rebel," and elevation of the African race. The nasal twang of his ancestors may be heard in his speeches at Loyal Leagues flattering and cajoling his colored brethren and making them believe that he is an angel sent from Heaven announcing the millennium! Alas, alas--that his glorious aspirations should be so short-lived,--that all his visions of fat offices and money in both pockets should so soon pass away. The carpet-bagger, in Virginia, is no more. "Othello's occupation's gone."

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(Column 02)
Summary: James B. Garland and Mrs. Barbara Vines, both of Augusta, were married on August 1st by the Rev. J. I. Miller.
(Names in announcement: James B. Garland, Barbara Vines, Rev. J. I. Miller)
(Column 02)
Summary: John H. Leckey and Miss Maggie A. Dudley, daughter of R. H. Dudley, were married at the residence of the bride's father on July 27th by the Rev. J. Pinkerton.
(Names in announcement: John H. Leckey, Maggie A. Dudley, R. H. Dudley, Rev. J. Pinkerton)
(Column 02)
Summary: Thomas F. Hall and Miss Martha S. Berry, both of Augusta, were married in Craigsville on July 28th by the Rev. R. P. Kennedy.
(Names in announcement: Thomas F. Hall, Martha S. Berry, Rev. R. P. Kennedy)
(Column 02)
Summary: Stephen V. Ridgway, infant son of R. S. and M. L. Ridgway, died in Staunton on July 18th. He was 6 months old.
(Names in announcement: Stephen V. Ridgway, M. L. Ridgway, R. S. Ridgway)
(Column 02)
Summary: Miss Bettie Eidson, daughter of Henry Eidson of near Staunton, died in Baltimore on March 19th.
(Names in announcement: Bettie Eidson, Henry Eidson)

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