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Valley of the Shadow

Valley Virginian: October 7, 1869

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Our Legislature--The Senatorial Question
(Column 01)
Summary: This article illustrates the complications involved with the Senatorial question recently discussed at a meeting of the Legislature. "Restless friends" have put forward a name with the hopes of pleasing General (President) Grant. The author suggests that these "friends" have acted in haste and run the risk of offending Congress. The author suggests that all action regarding the Senatorial question be postponed until Congress has expressed its wishes in regard to the various powers of the General Assembly.
Full Text of Article:

This body assembled on Tuesday. Until the recent supplementary opinion on Attorney-General Hoar was promulgated, the universal impression seemed to be that the General Assembly would meet, organize, pass the 15th amendment and adjourn.

This programme, however, did not suit some of our restless spirits, and by constant agitation, they have managed to draw a second opinion from Attorney-General Whore--we beg your pardon--Hoar! and now the matter seems to be somewhat complicated.

The first idea of some of our politicians was, that we must elect a certain General Williams to the Senate of the U.S. to show our gratitude to Gen Grant! Presently it turned out that Gen Grant did not want General Williams elected, but did want his brother-in-law Dr. Sharp chosen! This somewhat disconcerted the advocates of "gratitude to Gen. Grant." They found that Gen. Grant's wishes and their's ran in different channels. Their's led to the election of Mrs. Douglas' husband--while Gen Grant's gravitated towards a member of his own family. This put the "grateful" men in a quandary, and how it will come out, we can't say.

We fear our restless friends have got us into a difficulty from which we will not find it easy to free ourselves.

Our true policy is, to offend nobody--but, as far as we can see, to conciliate all. By pleasing the President we may displease Congress, and Congress is the body to which we must look for relief. We should recollect how jealous Congress showed itself of Executive interference, in Mr. Johnson's time, and we should profit by that lesson.

We think our Legislature should proceed cautiously, and be sure it is treading on solid ground. If it acts hastily, it may find itself in quick sand.

It seems to us, the wisest course would be for the Legislature to adopt a resolution reciting that whereas there are so many doubts and difficulties surrounding the Senatorial question, and whereas they earnestly desire to make their action conform to the wishes of Congress, therefore be it resolved that all action on that subject be postponed, until Congress shall have the opportunity of expressing its views and wishes in regard to the powers and duties of the General Assembly.

In this way we will give no offence to any body. We will exhibit every disposition to satisfy Congress and the Executive. And if, at a future day, Congress shall indicate its wish for an election of Senators, the Legislature can make it. It would be as easy to elect Gen. Williams, or Mr. Sharp, or Mr. any body else, then, as now.

By adopting this policy, we would know what we were about. We would not be acting in the dark, and butting our heads against either a Congressional or Executive post.--Better see the whole field in the clear light of day, than go thundering along in the thick fog that now envelopes us.

(Column 01)
Summary: Article extolling the commercial benefits of railroads. The editors advocate building the Valley Railroad to bring increased trade to Augusta.
Virginia Senators
(Column 02)
Summary: The editors of the Virginian concur with their colleague who lauds the character of A.H.H. Stuart, and recommends him for Senator. Similar to other articles, Stuart is praised for his experience and dedication to the State, both in local and national interests. Further, the author suggests that Grant and Congress will approve of his election to the Senate.
(Names in announcement: A. H. H. Stuart)
Full Text of Article:

We fully concur with the correspondent of the Bay Shore in the following:

We have men among us to the manor born, reared upon the soil of Virginia, involved in and devoted to her every interest, both State and National, and have not their equal for learning, for purity and honesty of purpose and every acquirement which should adorn a Virginia Senator, and first in the long line of greatness stands the name of A.H.H. Stuart, of Augusta, whose experience and able services in the Cabinet and legislation, both federal and State, whose intellectual acquirements, refined and accomplished bearing, his enlarged statesmanship and his whole political national record stamp him as the should be first Senator from reconstructed Virginia. President Grant and Congress will be well pleased with him, and remove any and all his disabilities under which he may labor by virtue of the Fourteenth Amendment, admit him to his seat, and thus secure honorable and distinguished representation to Virginia in the person of her most "gifted statesman."

-Page 03-

[No Title]
(Column 01)
Summary: The paper declares that "Manufacturers and Capital are more needed in the Valley than Agriculturalists."
[No Title]
(Column 02)
Summary: The paper reports that typhoid fever is beginning to spread from eastern Virginia to Augusta and Rockbridge.
Flour Inspected
(Column 01)
Summary: G. W. Britt, Flour Inspector, inspected 7056 barrels of flour for the quarter ending September 30th. He has inspected 398 barrels this month to date.
(Names in announcement: G. W. Britt)
A Rare Treat
(Column 01)
Summary: The Staunton Musical Association will perform the cantata of the Haymakers at the chapel of the Deaf, Dumb, and Blind Institute. "No farmer, or his folks, should miss seeing such a play on their works."
(Column 02)
Summary: Mr. S. Taylor of Staunton and Miss Rebecca Brown of Augusta were married near Swoope's Depot on September 30th by the Rev. William E. Baker.
(Names in announcement: S. Taylor, Rebecca Brown, Rev. William E. Baker)
(Column 02)
Summary: A committee consisting of H. Gilmore, W. T. Wright, and J. McDaniel publish a tribute of sympathy and respect upon the death of Nora Smith.
(Names in announcement: H. Gilmore, W. T. Wright, J. McDaniel, Nora Smith)

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