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Valley Virginian: October 13, 1870

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Death of General Robert E. Lee
(Column 01)
Summary: The paper reports the sorrowful news that General Robert E. Lee passed away yesterday morning. The columns of the paper are bordered in black.
Relief for the Virginia Sufferers
(Column 01)
Summary: The citizens of Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York are organizing relief for the sufferers of the Virginia flood. The mayor of New York called a public meeting and the chamber of commerce of that city will make the first donation.
Congressional Convention
(Column 02)
Summary: Col. A. W. Harman of Augusta called to order a meeting of the Conservative Convention of the 6th Congressional District. They met in the African M. E. Church in Harrisonburg. M. G. Harman and R. W. Burke of Augusta were named to the committee on credentials. A number of other Augusta delegates attended. The committee called on counties and townships who had not sent delegates to meet as soon as possible. They also provided for publication of the proceedings of the meeting and thanked "our colored brethren for their courtesy in extending to us the use of their church."
(Names in announcement: Col. A. W. Harman, M. G. Harman, R. W. Burke, W. J. Shumate, John N. Opie, Lewis Harman, David Doom, S. C. Harper, T. J. Burke, William Crawford, D. S. Bell, A. G. Christian, J. A. Hamrick, T. S. Hogshead, D. N. Vanlear, John H. Ervin, James G. Turk, John G. Fulton, T. P. Eskridge, J. D. Lilley, A. Blauth, J. G. Stover, W. G. Sterrett, W. A. Burke, M. H. Effinger, S. Travers Phillips, M. G. Harman, R. Mauzy)

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[No Title]
(Column 01)
Summary: A drove of five hundred cattle en-route from North Carolina to Front Royal passed through Staunton on Tuesday.
Horse Thief Sent to the Penitentiary
(Column 01)
Summary: George Walton was arraigned in Richmond for the theft of two horses from Absalom Koiner of Augusta. He will serve 5 years in the state penitentiary.
(Names in announcement: George Walton, Absalom Koiner)

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