Lieut. Gen. Thomas J. Jackson commanded the Second Corps of the Army of Northern
Virginia which includes the 5th Va. Inf. Jackson provides the details of the
battle, including the repeated repulses of enemy assaults.
April 27, 1863
I have the honor herewith to submit to you a report of the operations of my command from August 15 to September 5, 1862, embracing the several engagements of Manassas Junction, Bristoe Station, Ox Hill, and so much of the battle of Groveton (on August 28, 29, and 30) as was fought by the troops under my command:
The next morning (29th) I found that he had abandoned the ground occupied as the battle-field, the evening before and had move farther to the east and to my left, placing himself between my command and the Federal capital. My troops on this day were distributed along and in the vicinity of the cut of an unfinished railroad (intended as a part of the track to connect the Manassas road directly with Alexandria), stretching from the Warrenton turnpike in the direction of Sudley's Mill. It was mainly along the excavation of this unfinished road that my line of battle was formed on the 29th--Jackson's division, under Brig.-Gen. Starke, on the right, Ewell's division, under Brig.-Gen. Lawton, in the center, and Hill's division of the left.
In the morning, about 10 o'clock, the Federal artillery opened with spirit and animation upon our right, which was soon replied to by the batteries of Poague, carpenter, dement, Brockenbrough, and Latimer, under Maj. [L. M.] Shumaker. This lasted for some time, when the enemy moved around more to our left to another point of attack. His next effort was directed against our left. This was vigorously repulsed by the batteries of Braxton, Crenshaw, and Pegram.
About 2 p. m. the Federal infantry in large force advanced to the attack of our left, occupied by the division of Gen. Hill. It pressed forward, in defiance of our fatal and destructive fire, with great determination, a portion of it crossing a deep cut in the railroad track and penetrating in heavy force an interval of nearly 175 yards, which separated the right of Gregg's from the left of Thomas brigade. For a short time Gregg's brigade, on the extreme left, was isolated from the main body of the command; but the Fourteenth South Carolina Regiment, then in reserve, with the Forty-ninth Georgia, left of Col. Thomas, attacked the exultant enemy with vigor, and drove them back across the railroad track with great slaughter. Gen. McGowan reports that the opposing forces at one time delivered their volleys into each other at the distance of 10 paces. Assault after assault was made on the left, exhibiting on the part of the enemy great pertinacity and determination, but every advance was most successfully and gallantly driven back.
Gen. Hill reports that six separate and distinct assault were thus met and repulsed by his division, assisted by Hays' brigade, Col. Forno commanding.
By this time the brigade of Gen. Gregg, which from its position on the extreme left was most exposed to the enemy's attack, had nearly expended its ammunition. It had suffered severely in its men, and all its field officers except two were killed or wounded. About 4 o'clock it had been assisted by Hays' brigade (Col. Forno). It was now retired to the rear to take some repose after seven hours of severe service, and Gen. Early's brigade, of Ewell's division, with the Eighth Louisiana regiment, took its place. On reaching his position Gen. Early found that the enemy had obtained possession of the railroad and a piece of wood in front, there being at this point a deep cut, which furnished a strong defense. Moving through a field he advanced upon the enemy, drove them from the wood and railroad cut with great slaughter, and followed in pursuit some 200 yards; the Thirteenth Georgia at the same timed advanced to the railroad and crossed with Early's brigade. As it was not desirable to bring on a general engagement that evening Gen. Early was recalled to the railroad, where Thomas, Pender, and Archer had firmly maintained their position during the day. Early kept his position there until the following morning.
Brig.-Gen. Field and Col. Forno (commanding Hays' brigade) were severely wounded. Brig.-Gen. Trimble was also seriously wounded.
During the day a force of the enemy penetrated the wood in my rear, endangering the safety of my ambulances and train. Upon being advised of this by Gen. Stuart I sent a body of infantry to drive them from the wood; but in the mean time the vigilant Pelham had unlimbered his battery and dispersed that portion of them which had reached the wood. At a later period Maj. [William] Patrick, of the cavalry, who was by Gen. Stuart intrusted with guarding the train, was attacked, and although it was promptly and effectually refused, it was not without the loss of that intrepid officer, who fell in the attack while setting an example of gallantry to his men well worthy of imitation. During the day the commanding general arrived and also Gen. Longstreet with his command.
On the following day (30th) my command occupied the ground and the divisions the same relative position to each other and to the field which they held the day before, forming the left wing of the army, Gen. Longstreet's command forming the right wing. A large quantity of artillery was posted upon a commanding eminence in the center. After some desultory skirmishing and heavy cannonading during the day the Federal infantry, about 4 o'clock in the evening, moved from under cover of the wood and advanced in several lines, first engaging the right, but soon extending its attack to the center and left. In a few moments our entire line was engaged in a fierce and sanguinary struggle with the enemy. As one line was repulsed another took its place and pressed forward as if determined by force of numbers and fury of assault to drive us from our positions. So impetuous and well sustained were these onset as to induce me to send to the commanding general for re-enforcements, but the timely and gallant advance of Gen. Longstreet on the right relieved my troops from the pressure of overwhelming numbers and gave to those brave men the chances of a more equal conflict. As Longstreet pressed upon the right the Federal advance was checked, and soon a general advance of my whole line was ordered. Eagerly and fiercely did each brigade press forward, exhibiting in parts of the field scenes of close encounter and murderous strife not witnessed often in the turmoil of battle. The Federals gave way before our troops, fell back in disorder, and fled precipitately, leaving their dead and wounded on the field. During their retreat the artillery opened with destructive power upon the fugitive masses. The infantry followed until darkness put and end to the pursuit.
Our loss was heavy; that of the enemy, as shown by the battle-field, of which we were in possession, much heavier. Among the losses was Col. Baylor, commanding Winder's brigade, who fell in front of his brigade while nobly leading and cheering it on the charge. We captured eight pieces of artillery, with their caissons, and 6,520 small-arms were collected from the battle-field.
It being ascertained next morning that the Federal Army had retreated in the direction of Centreville, I was ordered by the commanding general to turn that position, crossing Bull Run at Sudley Ford; thence pursuing a country road until we reached the Little River turn-pike, which we followed in the direction of Fairfax Court-House until the troops halted for the night.
Early the next morning (September 1) we moved forward, and late in the evening, after reaching Ox Hill, came in contact with the enemy, who were in position on our right and front, covering his line of retreat from Centerville to Fairfax Court-House. Our line of battle was formed, Gen. Hill's division on the right, Ewell's division, Gen. Lawton commanding, in the center, and Jackson's division, Gen. Starke commanding, on the left, all on the right of the turnpike road. Artillery was posted on an eminence to the left of the road. The brigades of Branch and Field, Col. [J. M.] Brockenbrough commanding the latter, were sent forward to feel and engage the enemy. A cold and drenching thunder-shower swept over the field at this time, striking directly into the faces of our troops. These two brigades gallantly engaged the enemy, but so severe was the fire in front and flank of Branch's brigade as to produce in it some disorder and falling back. The brigades of Gregg, Thomas, and Pender were then thrown into the fight. Soon a portion of Ewell's division became engaged. The conflict now raged with great fury, the enemy obstinately and desperately contesting the ground until their generals (Kearny and Stevens) fell in front of Thomas' brigade, after which they retired from the field. By the following morning the Federal Army had entirely disappeared from our view, and it soon appeared, by a report from Gen. Stuart, that it had passed Fairfax Court-House and had moved in the direction of Washington City.
On September 3 we left Ox Hill, taking the road by Dranesville and Leesburg, and on the 4th bivouacked near the Big Spring between Leesburg and the Potomac.
The official reports of the casualties of my command in its operations from the Rappahannock to the Potomac will show a loss of 75 officers killed and 273 wounded, 730 non-commissioned officers and privates killed, 3,273 wounded, and 35 missing, making a total loss of 4,387.
Col. S. Crutchfield, chief of artillery, discharged his duties well. The conduct of officers and men during the various engagements described was such as to entitle them to great praise. The wounded were skillfully cared for my medical director Dr. Hunter McGuire.
In the transmission of orders I was greatly assisted during the expedition by the following members of my staff: Col. A. Smead, assistant inspector-general; Maj. E. F. Paxton, acting assistant adjutant-general; Capt. R. E. Wilbourn, chief signal officer; First Lieut. H. K. Douglas, assistant inspector-general; First Lieut. J. G. Morrison, aide-de-camp, and Col. William L. Jackson, volunteer aide-de-camp. Capt. Wilbourn was so severely wounded at the battle of Groveton as to be unable to go farther with the army. The ordnance, quartermaster's, and commissary departments were well managed by their respective chiefs, Majs. G. H. Bier, J. A. Harman, and W. J. Hawks.
For further information respecting the detailed movements of troops and the conduct of individuals I would respectfully refer you to the accompanying reports. For these great and signal victories our sincere and humble thanks are due unto Almighty God. We should in all things acknowledge the hand of Him who reigns in heaven and rules among the armies of men. In view of the arduous labors and great privations the troops were called to endure and the isolated and perilous position which the command occupied while engaged with greatly-superior numbers of the enemy we can but express the grateful conviction of our mind that God was with us and gave to us the victory, and unto His holy name be the praise.
I am, general, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Bibliographic Information : Letter Reproduced from The War of The Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Series I. Vol. 12. Part II, Reports. Serial No. 16, Page 641, Broadfoot Publishing Company, , .