Col. Clement A. Evans commanded Lawton's brigade of the Army of Northern Virginia
which included the Staunton Artillery. In this report, Evans compliments his
men's bravery.
Maj. S. HALE, Acting Assistant Adjutant-Gen., Ewell's Division.
Near Port Royal, Va.
December 19, 1862
On the 13th instant, about 9 a.m., Lawton's brigade, Col. E. N. Atkinson commanding, was formed in line of battle in a wood about three-fourths of a mile west of the railroad, nearly opposite Hamilton's Crossing, below Fredericksburg, Va., the right resting on the left of another brigade of Ewell's division, the Thirteenth Georgia, Col. J. M. Smith commanding, being the extreme right, and successively toward the left the Sixtieth Georgia, Col. W. H. Stiles; Sixty-first Georgia, Col. J. H. Lamar; Thirty-eighth Georgia, Capt. William L. McLeod; Thirty-first Georgia, Col. C. A. Evans, and the Twenty-sixth Georgia, Capt. [B. F.] Grace, being six regiments, numbering about 2,000 rank and file. While thus resting in line, the shells of the enemy fell upon the regiment on the right, wounding several, but was borne without flinching by men who in many engagements have proved themselves not deficient in courage or patriotism.
It is gratifying to me to be able to record that officers and men generally behaved with a courage characteristic of the Southern soldier, continuing for the brigade a well-deserved reputation. The report of casualties will testify how severe the fire was through which these brave men passed in driving the enemy before them.
The Staunton Artillery, commanded by Lieut. A. W. Garber [attached to this brigade], at 4.30 o'clock was ordered to the extreme right of our lines, and was actively engaged on the plain about two hours, when the batteries of the enemy ceased firing. The officers and men behaved with coolness and gallantry. Lieut. Garber had his horse shot under him during the engagement, but suffered no loss of his men.
I am extremely gratified to mention that by the activity of Surg. George F. Cooper, senior surgeon of the brigade, although with limited transportation, our numerous wounded received prompt attention.[1]
[1] Lieuts. Thomas B. Settle and Joel D. Wilson, Thirty-first
Georgia, reported killed.
I have the honor to be, major, your obedient servant,
Col., Cmdg. Brigade.
Bibliographic Information : Letter Reproduced from The War of The Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Series I. Vol. 21. Serial No. 31., Page 669, Broadfoot Publishing Company, , .