Union General Nathaniel Banks reports to Secretary of War Stanton on the progress
of April, 1862, operations in the Valley. He claims the Confederates to be in
full retreat, Johnson's troops having just passed through Staunton.
Secretary of War:
April 28, 1862.
Our force is entirely secure here. The enemy is in no condition for offensive movements, and nothing can prevent our troops from joining the main body in safety if attacked. Our supplies have not been in so good condition nor my command in so good spirits since we left Winchester. Gen. Hatch made reconnaissance in force yesterday, which resulted in obtaining a complete and satisfactory view of the enemy's position. Two of our own men were wounded by accident, one mortally. Five of the enemy were killed and 5 wounded in the skirmish. Report forwarded. A negro employed in Jackson's tent came in this morning, and reports preparation for retreat of Jackson to-day. Gen. Johnson is reported to have passed Staunton, and Gen. Milroy to be 4 miles west of Staunton. You need have no apprehensions for our safety. I think we are now just in condition to do all you can desire of us in this valley-clear the enemy out permanently.
Maj.-Gen., Commanding.
Bibliographic Information : Letter Reproduced from The War of The Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Series 1, Volume 12, Serial No. 18, Pages 111-112, Broadfoot Publishing Company, Wilmington, NC, 1997.