Union General Robert Patterson's Assistant Adjutant Fitz-John Porter issues
orders in June, 1861, for the troops stationed in the Chambersburg area to
advance into Maryland and establish camps.
Chambersburg, Pa.,
June 12, 1861.
The commanding general directs the following movements to take place on Saturday morning:
The First Brigade, Col. Thomas commanding, will march by the Williamsport and Greencastle road, leaving Hagerstown to the left, and establish its camp near Williamsport, but far enough from the river to be free from the enemy's shot. He will hold Williamsport and protect the artillery.
The Fourth Brigade, Col. Miles commanding, will follow the First Brigade, and locate its camp temporarily on stream in the rear and on the right of First Brigade.
The Third Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Williams commanding, will take the Hagerstown turnpike and the direct road to Sharpsburg, and establish its camp near head of stream. This brigade will throw a large picket towards Sharpsburg.
The Second Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Wynkoop commanding, will proceed by rail to Hagerstown and march on the Frederick turnpike to vicinity of Funkstown.
The Fifth Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Negley commanding, will move by rail as rapidly as possible, and be established on the Hagerstown and Williamsport turnpike.
The quartermaster will provide wagon transportation in Hagerstown for this and the preceding column.
Each brigade will post its guards and sentinels so as to secure a continuous line from camp to camp, and place its pickets far enough in advance and on the flanks to secure against surprise.
Each brigade will protect the adjoining one, and in case of attack go to its assistance.
The Fifth Brigade will, in addition to being the reserve, provide the guards for the store-houses, hospitals, &c., in the vicinity of Hagerstown.
In selecting camps, the commanding officers will have a regard for defense and drill and healthy locations.
Gen. Cadwalader will see to the location of the camp of each brigade and administration of affairs.
Gen. Keim will see to the execution of orders in this vicinity, until the departure of his division, when he will join it in front of Hagerstown.
Immediately on arrival of a train in Hagerstown the regiments will be formed and marched through town and be located on its ground in line of battle, its pickets thrown out and guards established.
The men must be kept in camp ready at all times for instant action, and be drilled in the school of the company and regiment.
By order of Maj.-Gen. Patterson:
Assistant Adjutant-Gen.
Bibliographic Information : Letter Reproduced from The War of The Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Series 1, Volume 2, Serial No. 2, Pages 679, Broadfoot Publishing Company, Wilmington, NC, 1997.