Records Related to Augusta County Regiments

From: R. E. LEE, Gen., Commanding.
July 23, 1861.

During July, 1861, Federal troops under George B. McClellan advanced into West Virginia and won a series of victories. Staunton, VA, served as an important base of supply during the campaign. In this letter, Robert E. Lee informs General Henry R. Jackson that supplies have been sent to Staunton to provide for retreating Confederates.


Brig. Gen. H. R. JACKSON, Army of the Northwest, Monterey, Va.:

Richmond, Va.,

July 23, 1861.


I have received your two letters of the 20th, reporting the state of militia operations in the northwest. You have done all under the circumstances that was proper, and all will yet be well.

Our brave troops must bear up against misfortune. Reverses must happen, but they ought only to stimulate us to greater efforts. I regret my inability to repair to your assistance, but events occurring in our front prevented. I am sure the glorious victory there achieved will cheer the hearts of your troops.

At the first report of the retreat from Beverly, anticipating your wants, I ordered ammunition, tents, blankets, cooking utensils, and shoes to be sent to you. But, unfortunately, they were sent, by mistake, to Gen. T. J. Jackson, at Winchester. A duplicate supply of the articles have been forwarded to Staunton. Gen. Loring, an officer of experience, has been assigned to the command of the Army of the Northwest, and he is accompanied by officers who have served years on the frontier.

Four Virginia regiments, one Arkansas, three Tennessee, and two Georgia regiments, and two field batteries are ordered to join the Northwestern Army. This force, with what ought to be organized from the hardy mountaineers, will be sufficient to drive back the invaders. There is a necessity for repelling them, and it must be done. Every assistant will be afforded in this quarter.

Respectfully, &c.,

R. E. LEE,
Gen., Commanding.

Bibliographic Information : Letter Reproduced from The War of The Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Series 1, Volume 2, Serial No. 2, Pages 993, Broadfoot Publishing Company, Wilmington, NC, 1997.

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