Union General William Averell writes to General Darius Couch, commanding at
Chambersburg, concerning pursuit of raiding Confederate forces and fighting
around Hancock, Maryland, in August, 1864.
Maj.-Gen. COUCH, Chambersburg, Pa.:
August 1, 1864.
I overtook and attacked the enemy at this place last evening. An iron-clad car had endeavored to prevent their crossing, but it was driven away with artillery. Enemy sent over a party and destroyed the railroad buildings. I found them in line of battle on a strong position on this side, from which they fled after a short engagement. Controlling the ford with my guns the enemy could not cross, but my small force could not prevent him taking the road to Cumberland, upon which he kept up his flight during the night, felling trees and burning bridges, rendering it impossible for my weary command to continue the pursuit with any chance of success. I sent a messenger to Cacapon to telegraph to Gen. Kelley the course taken, requesting that a railroad train be sent to take up my command dismounted, but have received no reply. If my train has not been sent with supplies, please forward it to Hagerstown, notifying me by telegraph at McConnellsburg.
Bibliographic Information : Letter Reproduced from The War of The Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Series 1, Volume 37, Serial No. 71, Pages 569, Broadfoot Publishing Company, Wilmington, NC, 1997.