Union General William Averell reports to General David Hunter in August, 1864, on
the capture of a Confederate officer who had participated in the cavalry raid
north of the Potomac. Averell reports that orders for the burning of
Chambersburg came from General Jubal Early.
Maj.-Gen. HUNTER,
Cmdg. Department of West Virginia:
AUGUST 8, 1864.
Maj. Green, chief engineer on the staff of Gen. Ewell, serving with Early, was captured at Moorefield. McCausland had received orders to march to Winchester at 2 a. m. 7th. No information of re-enforcements to Early has been gained. The order for the burning of Chambersburg was given by Early. McCausland's expedition was considered of great importance; parts of other cavalry divisions were dismounted to fit him out.
Bibliographic Information : Letter Reproduced from The War of The Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Series 1, Volume 43, Serial No. 90, Pages 733-734, Broadfoot Publishing Company, Wilmington, NC, 1997.