These Union Special Orders issued by the Department of the Susquhanna at
Chambersburg in September, 1864, relieve a unit of troops from duty at Easton,
Chambersburg, Pa.
September 10, 1864.
3. The detachment of the Fiftieth Company, Second Battalion, Veteran Reserve Corps, at Easton, Pa., will be relieved from duty at that place and proceed without delay to Harrisonburg, Pa., and report to Capt. R. I. Dodge, U. S. Army, commanding the post, for duty. The quartermaster's department will furnish the necessary transportation.
By command of Maj.-Gen. Couch:
Maj. and Assistant Adjutant-Gen.
Bibliographic Information : Letter Reproduced from The War of The Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Series 1, Volume 43, Serial No. 91, Pages 68-69, Broadfoot Publishing Company, Wilmington, NC, 1997.