Union General Alfred Torbert writes General Charles Morgan in May, 1865, to
announce the return of cavalry from Staunton, and the parole of 750 men. He also
mentions guerrillas and the dispositions of Valley citizens.
Brig. Gen. C. H. MORGAN:
May 5, 1865.
(Received 11.10 a.m.)
Col. Reed, Twenty-second New York Cavalry, has returned from Staunton. Gen.'s Rosser and Lilley left there the day before he arrived. They were trying to organize a party to go south, but were meeting with no success. Col. Reed paroled about 750 men. He was troubled some by guerrillas at Mount Jackson and Harrisonburg. The country generally is quiet and the people well-disposed. Detailed report will be forwarded in the morning. I expect to receive the surrender of Lieut.-Col. White, C. S. Army, with the remnant of Dearing's old brigade. He will rendezvous his command on Monday at Paris, and will probably come in on the same day.
Brevet Maj.-Gen., Cmdg.
Bibliographic Information : Letter Reproduced from The War of The Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Series 1, Volume 46, Serial No. 97, Pages 1098, Broadfoot Publishing Company, Wilmington, NC, 1997.