Records Related to Augusta County Regiments

From: R. E. LEE.
February 24, 1865.

Robert E. Lee reports to Confederate Secretary of War Breckinridge on a February, 1865, raid on Cumberland Maryland that resulted in the capture of two Union generals and two privates. Lee reports that the prisoners are being taken to Staunton.

Secretary of War.

February 24, 1865.

Gen. Early reports that Lieut. McNeill, with thirty men, on the morning of the 21st entered Cumberland, captured and brought out Gen.'s Crook and Kelley, the adjutant-general of department, two privates, and the headquarters flag, without firing a gun, though a considerable force is stationed in vicinity. Lieut. McNeill and party deserve much credit for this bold exploit. Their prisoners will reach Staunton to-day.

R. E. LEE.

Bibliographic Information : Letter Reproduced from The War of The Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Series 1, Volume 46, Serial No. 95, Pages 471-472, Broadfoot Publishing Company, Wilmington, NC, 1997.

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