Records Related to Augusta County Regiments

From: W. B. TALIAFERRO, Col., Cmdg. Troops at McDowell.
November 28, 1861.

Confederate Colonel William B. Taliaferro writes S. M. Barton in November, 1861, concerning the return of Taliaferro's men to Staunton. Taliferro makes arrangements to have deserters arrested in the town, and to have supplies sent to meet him.


Col. S. M. BARTON,
Acting Assistant Adjutant-Gen.:

McDowell, Va.,

November 28, 1861.


The troops under my command reached this place yesterday en route to Staunton, and we expected to move this morning for Ryan's, but at 8 o'clock last night I received the communication from Col. C. L. Stevenson, acting assistant adjutant-general, which is inclosed, and acting under the suggestions of that officer have halted here to-day,expecting to hear definitely from the general commanding this evening. It is a sad disappointment to the command, but I trust should orders come to retrace our steps they will be obeyed without much murmuring. I inclose you a list of those who have gone on or gone off without leave, and trust you will attend to having them arrested on their arrival at Staunton and confined until we reach that place, or sent back should we be ordered to Monterey. The commissary at Monterey made arrangements with the commissary at Staunton for a supply of beef to meet us at Buffalo gap. I beg you will see that the cattle, if sent as directed to meet us on the evening of the 29th, shall not be butchered, as we certainly shall not reach that point before the 30th, and may not go at all. I sent the sick and convalescents who were unable to stand the march and the inclement weather on to Staunton in advance, acting upon the advice of the surgeons.

I have the honor to be, your obedient servant,

Col., Cmdg. Troops at McDowell.

Bibliographic Information : Letter Reproduced from The War of The Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Series 1, Volume 51, Serial No. 108, Pages 393-394, Broadfoot Publishing Company, Wilmington, NC, 1997.

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