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Augusta County: A. D. Dunlop to His Mother, June 15, 1860

A. D. Dunlap tells his mother about the crops, his living expenses, and his daily activities. Dunlap plans to build a house and mentions his intended.

June 15 1860

Dire Mother

In hast I take my pen in hand to write you a few lines to let you all know that we ar well an hoping these few lines may find you all the same news of interrest is scarce here at present. The weather is very hot at this time here we hav ben blesed with plenty of rane now for the last 8 weeks corn looks well an som a gane looks bad wheet thare wont be any worth [unclear: nomin] an oats is very short thare has ben sevrel storms here in the last 2 weeks an hall plenty an don a heap of damige thare was one man killed 15 miles from here another town of Clinton bi litngning his name was Ashby he was in a horse stable at the time Mother times is hard here an I expect will

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be harder before they get beter the fruit is scarce thare is plenty of peache in some plases an som few apels

..well.. Mother I must tell you that I am gowing to change my wa of living this foul if nothing hapins an I wold like to hare what you will say to it I hav got tired living this wa for it costs to much to liv a lon in this country wee ar paying two dollars an a half a pese a week an we hav to furnish our [unclear: own] bed an pay for our washin be sids I hav som notion to bild a house this summer I ant sertin whether I will or not we hav a bout twelve hundred dollars [unclear: standing] out here an still hoc as much up we both can do I is working an on wagons porty much all the time he is work at one now we earn a bout

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one hundred an twenty dollars per month but mother I've the averlastin chills we cant get rid or them they giv him an I thunder som times but dont last long

well Mother I treded horsis this morning an got a fine mare worth 200:00 I will cut a dash I recon an there is to bed dans here to knigh I expect be there with my in Tended but I cant [illeg.] you all know that the helth or the country is very good at present except the chills an that we dont call sickness here Mothe I hav som money an you shal hav it well Dire Mot I will close for this time I hav

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wrot all the news that I hav an hav not wrote much nether yess thare is to be several barbacues round here th 4 of July an one on the 14 I wont know whether I shal be at any or not

no more giv my best respects all an espocly uncle Jim I tell him I wont be lik him lon an old bachler all my life tell sister Nan to look out an Mag the same

no more at present but remain youre most direst son

A. D. Dunlop

write soon to me and dont for get me

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