Augusta County: RF Misner to George P. Kersh,
September 4, 1864
Misner writes to his friend George Kersh about camp life in Virginia and the
battle of Petersburg.
George P. Kersh
September 4th, 1864
Friend George and Family
Friend George & Family I seat myself to drop a few lines in return for them I received the twenty ninth and when they come to hand hoping they will find you in as good health an they leave me I was glad to hear from you and I reckon it ain't worth while to say I wrote to you About three weeks ago maybe you got it and maybe you did not
Well George I have been very well this summer no reason to complain plenty to eat and plenty for my horse he looks better now than he has since I have had him and still improving the forage pile is right beside the shop I can feed when ever I feel like it I have left the tenth regiment for a while and am working for the quarter master of the brigade I like the post very well But direct your letters as you did before to the tenth as we are close together
George I would like to be there to help to make cider and about the time your brandy gets ripe I will try to come home I thought I was doing a big business I thought we would get two dollars per day but that has plaid out believe Call Frazier & Landeas will be home in a week or two and then I will send you that money
And as to you working flory that is what I want you to do I have bean offered three thousand for him half dozen times in the last week well George I have now news worth writing but the boys had a hard fight last Thursday week the brigade took one line of breast works and five hundred prisoners that was more yanks than we had men engaged the yanks have been Shelling Petersburg the last week they threw one in the Presbyterian church and knocked it all to hall they have been now fighting of any account the last week give Steven and the girls my respects and tell them to rite to me and give me the news from the youngsters
And write your selves and I wrote to Will Misner and maybe he did not get it neither and if you please tell him I have plenty of everything to wear but socks I want two pair I have been drawing shoes till I have got a sack fool and some pretty damned good ones well being it is Sunday we dont work any on Sunday I want to go up to the regiment to see the boys I forgot to tell you movers made about five hundred dollars in the last fight in awatch and hors.
good bye friends, write soon
RF Misner