Valley Personal Papers

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Augusta County: Joseph Alfred Wilson to H. H. Hamilton, February 20, 1863

Joseph writes to Henry Hamilton about his regiment's problems with spoiled meat and complains that his sister's letters are too short.

Febuary the 20th/63

Camp Near Salem VA

Dear Sir

I received yours of the 16th with the stamps witch I'm under many obligations to for I will have to bother you again but I wannt you to keep an account of all such things for I will not & as for the box I did not expect on account [unclear: themes] on the [illeg.]. Hen we have had a large time here lately about rotten beef the Old General has two men appointed to inspect every piece of beef that is [unclear: spared] to us now The Cost we got was very good the health of the Company is very Good not & I believe the Small Pox has vanished away not to return again at least I hope so

[page 2]

Well Hen I have no newz to communicate & know of nothing that would interest there My motto is to write short scribbles & receive long wones from my correspondence [illeg.] I like to for got Bell you can tell her that she is very feard of insulting me when she only writes every quarter one about as long as her finger I think it is time for to begin to reconsider & to reform & do a little better in that way why if I have a quiet plase & comfortable plase as she has I would always a scribble as longe as my finger & thumbs at least & not to judge me by herself but just keep on writing every quarter & I will be happy to read all with pleasure. Give Mr. White & Mr. Grady my respects & Bill my requests &c [illeg.] [illeg.] [illeg.] [illeg.]

Yours very truly

Jos.A. Wilson Lt, 14th Reg Va Cavalry

Salem Roanoke Ca

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