Augusta County: L. [Letitia?] R. Smiley to Smiley's
sister (Mary?), March 7, 1867
In this letter, Smiley provides updates--and makes inquiries--about her friends
and family. She writes that she has been doing well in school.
March 7 th, 1867
A. T. Seminary
Staunton Va
My dear sister
I have been waiting for you to write to me about long enough, but it does seem
like you ain't a going to do it Well in the first place I am very well &
will tell you how well your old sister did in examination yesterday. she passed
third best. I think I was doing very well when I got 90, considering the hard
examination. & only 5 of us passed. There were 4 examinations on hands
yesterday. & the girls all distinguished
themselves out of pretty near the whole school only 10 passed. Luce got 76 on
her Geom. we have two more books to study yet
before the final examination & then all will stand together. Did you
ever in all your days see such weather not a single ray of sunshine for a week.
Mary Smiths party comes off tomorrow night. I believe
there are about 200 people to be there. The roads are so bad. the girls are
afraid she cannot send for them I believe there are twelve going from here.
& if she dont send for them it will be a great
disappointment to some of them. Grandma has been sick for about a month. I dont think she is getting any better. M
Waddell has been here for about two weeks. she went home Monday &
Kattie went too, she had been sleeping in our room for a while. Has Bettie
[unclear: Echard] got home from her trip yet. I reckon she would
have a fine time & in the end will go to Albermarle to live. Heard Bil
Anderson & [unclear: Kip] Gullin were to be married at last:
reckon Becca would get to that wedding. has she been down
[page 2]
to see you
yet? Give my love to her and tell her our old roomate Margaret Ann Louise hasn't
written to us yet; but that we heard she was flying around generally with the
boys. & wonder if she is doing the same. We
had a stranger on the table to-day. all the way to
three turkeys, were powerful glad to see them. Lucy
& Mary are going [deleted: t]home the last of March if the
roads are not too bad, I expect Annie Fulton will go with them if she does, she
will go down to see you. I dont care about going home
quite [added: so] soon, but will leave it to you all,
[deleted: jus] I am about as near out of clothes as people
generally get. when you send my clothes please send me some yarn to knit: I
think it is [added: in] that trunk up stairs. You see I want to have something to work at
on Saturday night when I go into the parlor to hear Dr. Brown read. They didn't make much at their
concerts, [added: here] it was raining so that no one
could come. A quartette went from here over to Charlottesville the same week to
assist in a concert there. I believe they made about $500 clear there. I had
thought I would get a letter this morning; but it seems I was doomed to
disappointment. The girls have all gone to Mary Smiths at last I think Miss B ought to give us a holiday. Now if you
dont write to me soon, you had better. My love to
Your affectionate sister
L. R Smiley
Lucy got a letter from Mag this morning, she is suffering with a felon her finger.