Valley Personal Papers

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Augusta County: A. G. Argenbright to Captain F. C. Roberts, November 24, 1861

Argenbright discusses a doctor appointment about whether he's fit for military service.

November 24th 1861

Dear Sur

i received your letter yesterday and was glad to hear from you and this day i thought i wod rite you [added: a] few lines to let you no how i am well i tell you that i seen the docktor today and i axet him if i was fit for Survis and he told me he thought not i told him where worked i was to week to half work and i am nervis when i work and my flesh is soft and i cant Stand hole and i am [unclear: hild] directley but i tel you i will com on as Soon as i think any neu flesh can stand the cold thoe i think i will try it in too or three weeks at most and [deleted: G] George Bayley Says he will com with me the docktor Says he ant fit yet for Survis

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I had nothing much to rite to you but to giv you som satisfaction of what i had rote to you i will Send thoes few lines the docktor giv to us to day I wish you wod rite to me in a few days and let me no if i cod get a [unclear: cag] from Strasburg to the camp and if get it than i will giv you yon long [unclear: dram] Som of old bills second best

A. G. Argenbright

To Cap F. C. Roberts

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