Augusta: Robert Yates Ramsey to Maggie, October 17,
Ramsey writes from a prisoner of war camp in Maryland. He describes his health
and notes how he is comforted by his faith. He notes his wish to be among
friends and asks forgiveness for an unspecified action.
Monday oct: 17th 1864
Prisoners Camp, Point Lookout Md.
My Dear Friend Maggie:
Though suffering this incarceration within the prison - walls of Pt. Lookout - thoug banished
from [unclear: friends] and [added: the society
of] much loved ones, I rejoice to feel the assureance that God is with us, and, we hope, will turn
back our captivity when we
are sufficiently humbled - that we may meet once more the kind - the sweet
embraces of our dear relatives, and friends. But we would not forget the sweet words. "Not
very will but thine be done. I wish I could be allowed
to write as much as I wished. I could have much to say
to you - This privilege is denied me. But may be, you would ask Why is it that I
appear as willing to continue the correspondence which has [added: been] so soon, and unexpectedly, cut short? I would
answer now, the same that I would
have answered on that ever
memorable morning, that it is as motive no
less, than a desire to cultivate the friendly
relations do not say, "there is none
[unclear: ]] in existence between us. With your
sanction our correspondence (though it will be rather
slow) will continue. I am pained when I think of my uncivil conduct, when in your presence that morning, and also, those complicated mysteries that I had boldness to write
[unclear: since] at the expence of one so truely innocent - Let me ask you to forgive me, and not only to
destroy these letters, but even tho recollection of them for
ever. I can write no more now. I will send you a stamp all I have. Brown
landed here a few days ago & we both have slight colds, with that
exception we are [added:
In form my mother that I have heard from Danville and Mr. Kelso -
they are well Their school is still going [deleted: ] Their children (two
daughters) are well also.
[page 2]
Direct to Co "B" 2nd
Div care of Maj. Brady Provost Mas
Yours &c as ever
R. Y. Ramsey