Valley Personal Papers

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Augusta County: U. Burrows to Sara A. Hotchkiss, August 1, 1860

U. Burrows writes to Sara Hotchkiss with information concerning several financial transactions, including a sale of land.

Sara A. Hotchkiss

August 1, 1860


Mrs. S. A. C. Hotchkiss
Dear Madam

Yours of Apr 10 came duly to hand but I have not found time to ascertain the amount due from James until - within a few days First, have now got the [unclear: indgt.] [illeg.] for $2228,84 as per statement enclosed

I also enclose a statement of your amount the two statements, I presume do not require any further explanations

I expect to complete an arrangement this week for the payt of amount due from James by Mr Jacob Taylor, one half June 1861, balance June 1862, this is better than I have expected until quite recently

Mr Taylor bought of Geo Comfort the Mill, and land on the east side of the lake, and stream, and James, & his son Nelson bought back from Geo all on the other

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side. With kind regards to Mr Hotchki I remain

Very truly yours

U. Burrows

P.S. As the title to the land was in the executors probably it will not be necessary to have anything from you besides the rect that I took at the time of the payment of the money --
On looking to the receipt I conclude to send a duplicate for you and Mr Hotchkiss to sign, and return to me, seting forth the fact that I was understood that I was the purchaser of the land --

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