Augusta County: Jedediah Hotchkiss to Sara A. Hotchkiss, July 3,
Hotchkiss describes the army's movements, and their accomodations along the way. He briefly
mentions actions of the Union troops and of the Lincoln administrations.
Sara A. Hotchkiss
July 3 rd 1864
Winchester, Va
My Dearest One:
We spent last night at Winchester & today are marching on toward Martinsburg,
Shepperdstown, through the dust as usual -- it has been very warm. -- We spent the first night
after we left Staunton at Mr. [illeg.], near Mt. Crawford -- he was very unwilling for
us to encamp on him but that did no good -- he played the churl decidedly & had some
old shrew there that made the air vocal with her croakings. We went the next night beyond Big
Spring, to Mr Cousins -- two of the red headed damsels there had gotten married since we
stopped there in 1862 -- the next night we went to near Mrs. Jackson, to [illeg.] Mt
Airy (Moe Jordan's daughter's) -- had a good supper there -- the next day brought us to
Strasburg & yesterday to Winchester -- I took dinner at Inck's in Harrisonburg, he did
not [illeg.] Mr Kinney has not succeded in paying off his debts -- John T. Hams was
about -- the people there speak bitterly of [illeg.] & Robert Gray -- say they
shall bring them to an account for the same -- Mr. Inck lives in H -- in P[illeg.]'s house. I called yesterday evening at Mr.
[unclear: Hicoronineces] to thank them for their kindness to Allie -- found them at
tea & took tea there -- they are very nice people indeed & they have many
beautiful flowers -- the two daughters are at home -- they are sweet girls -- The enemys cavalry made a dash into Winchester yesterday morning [deleted: ] stay was short & we soon came in follow[illeg.] -- they are much
alarmed along the border, but do not [illeg.] what is coming -- we got the Baltimore
Papers of the [illeg.]st yesterday -- [unclear: Mr. Lincoln] has passed an
emancipate act -- Chase has [unclear: issued] -- I saw a [illeg.] from Balte -- who says gold is four for one -- We encamp tonight at
Leetown -- 8 miles from the Potomac -- We drove the Yankees out of Martinsburg & away
from the R. R. at Kernysville Our cavalry had a fight with them
here we had some 25 killed & wounded -- The enemy does not make much resistance
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We captured some stores & they burned some -
I hope you are all well -- I am, thank the Lord, in fine health -
Be of good cheer & may the Lord's blessing be with you -- Love & kisses for all -- Write soon
Your Aff husband
Jed. Hotchkiss