Augusta County: John Wise to A. D. Trotter, June 21, 1862
John Wise writes to his uncle to say his company has moved to Charlottesville, where he was
glad to find good water. He also sends his best wishes to his family.
Mr. A.D. Trotter
June 21st, 62
Dear Uncle
I promised to write to you evry chance that I had. We landed here yesterday about sundown.
The roads is very dusty down here Jackson and his army is still on the march no one knows
exactly where he is. We had a good mess of cherries to day, we never have them this early in
Highland; but we have something that I like better, and that is the water. We may have worse
water than this is to drink, but I do not like it. I expect that we will leave here in the
morning for Gordonsville. Our company is in good spirits and just as many as they were at the
warmsprings. You must write to father the first chance and inform him where I am I expect that
we will stay down here for some time, may be untill
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the war is over. You must give
my best love to Aunt Liza, and and all the family. [deleted: and all of cousin] Give
my best respects to cousin Martha and all her sisters.
I will write in a few days and let you know where I am.
Excuse bad writing and mistakes for they are ver comin in camp.
John Wise
Mr. A.D. Trotter, Staunton, Va.