Augusta County: Bunk [Charles W. Baylor] to his
Sister, October 31, 1861
A soldier writes to his sister about their brother, George, who is recovering in
a Richmond hospital.
Oct 31st /61
Camp Near Centerville
Dear Sister
I received a not from you last night, asking me if I knew anything about George, I don't know much about I heard last week that he, S. [unclear: Runolds] & S. Harlow are in Richmond at the Hospital & that George was getting along very well, at that time.
he is there with a first rate fellow & I know if he was to get worse he
would either write to me or the Captain about him, though I think it strange
that he don't write back to some one of the company. but it seems if they just
get away from the company that they never think worth while to write back to let
any one know anything about them. I thought yesterday of writing to him but we
had to turn out in honor of Old Whiskey Barrrel (Gov Letcher) so I did not
write. I think I will write a few lines to him to day, but I have been looking
for him to come to
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ever day for three or four days. Well I must
bring my letter to a close, tell Mary that I will write to her in a day or so,
Good bye, may God bless you all,
Your Aff Brother