Augusta County: Lettie R. Smiley to Thomas M. Smiley, [1862]
Tells stories of neighbors in battle and conditions at the home front since the militia was
called up.
Thomas M. Smiley

Dear Brother
I take my seat this morning to write you a few lines. We are all well at present. Ma had the
headache sunday and could not go to church I hope you have got better, if you have not got out
of the hospital yet you have had a long heat of it. Capt Curry is
expected home in a day or two The northerners made him take the oath and let him go. They took
several others of the company prisoners. Jim Gordon & a Sweet got more honor in one day
there than in there whole life at home. It is said they killed thirty.
There was some ammunition give to Sweet to divide among the company but he got behind a tree
and used it all himself. when it was done he called for more and when none was to be had he got
out from behind the tree shook his fist at them and started to run. The ladies of Brownsburg
are sewing for that company. yesterday and to day, The northerners
treat the virginia prisoners very well but when they get a holt of the
South Carolinians or Georgians they use them up. Since the militia has been called out there is
no one but old men and little boys about except a few who has been let off. John Lucas went in
his fathers [unclear: place] Harvey Fulton says he will go in
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Bills place, but Bill wont let him. I reckon he is afraid to
stay at home. Pa & Jackie Beard are out mowing today. I dont
see how farming is to be carried on if the
dont more get back than has for the grain has to be got out or the
people will starve. Pa has got nearly all of his grain in. Oats will soon be ready to cut.
There is to be preaching at Newport Sunday evening, Mr Junkin has not preached there for more
than a month The baptists have been turned out of the church up on the hill. He preached Sunday
but I have not heard where I heard he was going to stand in at [unclear: Mens]
[unclear: don] and preach, so he has a mind to get as close as he can. Baily Reid hung
himself the night before the militia started so he has been the second of that family who has
hung himself. The printer of the Staunton Spectator has gone so we are entirely out of a paper.
Jim Strain is home on a furlough of 20 days to get his harvest in and not the first load was in
Sunday as I [illeg.] He has been acting the coward run off got to Staunton they sent
him back again and is at home now. I believe the company dont want
him. He is ashamed to show himself at church. But I must close now as it is nearly time for the
mail to go up. Excuse all bad writing and spelling. Write Soon
I remain as ever your sister
L R Smiley