Augusta County: William S. Hopkins to Thomas M. Smiley, August
5, 1864
In this letter William S. Hopkins informs Thomas M. Smiley of a package being sent to him and
asks that Smiley share the food being sent with Mr. C. D. Anderson, another prisoner of
Mr Thos N Smiley
Va. Infantry
1 Divison Prisoner of War
Fort Delaware-

Augst. 5th1864
Dr Sir,
As I write to you on the 3d , I send to day in a small box to your address care Capt Ahl the articles you wrote for, and a few other things prepared by Mrs H.-- vis 1 soft Hat, 2 Shirts, 1 pr drawers, 1 packge of Tobacco--Jar of Pickles--package of cheese, package of crackers, 2 loaves of Home made bread-and Towel, soap, cotton, Needles, & pocket comb-
Mr C D Anderson of Farmville Va is in the Same Division with you a prisoner of war; Mrs H. requests that you share with him the Bread, Cheese, Crackers and pickles-- Are you from Norfolk Va ?
Yours Truly
Wm S
238 Baltimore St.
P.S. Shall be glad to hear that you have recd the box.