Augusta County: Mattie E. Hull to Thomas M. Smiley, February 3,
In this letter to Thomas M. Smiley, Mattie Hull discusses family and events at home and in

Feb the 3/65
Columbia Mo
Mr Smiley,
Excuse me for taking the liberty of answering your letter which we recieved this evening. Emma is not at home now and will not be for two or three weeks,
she has gone back to [illeg.] our old home in Johnson Co.
she has been gone about a week she will write when she returns. We heard from Hugh and the boys
at Camp Chase a day or two ago they were well and in fine spirits Do you know any thing
a bout Jimmie Beard he is in prison some
wher I do not know where I think they came very near taking all the [deleted: Va] Virginians that time, but I hope they will be so kind as to release you all before
long. Oh I.
[page 2]
want to see Mary and Tishie so bad I dreamed the other night that
I saw Mary I thought she was the most beautiful girl I ever saw, I suppose the little boys and
girls that I used to know in Va. have grown to be men and women I
would like to see them so much If you ever write to Mary and Tishie tell them I am almost as
large as Miss Lizzie
Echard, Hugh used to laugh at me so much about being so large. If you
are needing any thing, money or clothing, [deleted: we]
let us know and we will try and get them for you and if any of the boys who are with you need
any thing we will help them also. When you are released (and I
hope our President will be so kind as to do that soon) you must write and let us know. Well I
must close the candle gives very poor light
Write soon to Your friend
Mattie E Hull.
P.S. I dont know whether this is directed right or not, Dr Jones is dead, he died in [deleted: ro] Roch Port. perhaps his family is there, yet.