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Augusta County: John P. Dull to Giney Dull, December 1, 1864

Dull writes about trying to obtain a leave from the army.

December 1st. 1864

Camp Near New Market

Dear Giney

I take this opportunity to inform you that I am well at this time hoping this may find you enjoying the same blessing I recievd yours mailed the twenty fifth was glad to heare you weere well. there is no stir in camp at this time the wetheris fine now there may bee a move soo but witch way we do not now Giney I rote to Pa since riteing to you do not now wheather he recievd it or not have bin expecting to heare from him by this time but have bindisopointed tell him I wold like to hear from him in regard to the matter of witch he rote to me I thought I would have gotten a pass to come home but the officers heare refuse to give detailed farmers a pass whot they mean by that I no not unless they do no trust them perhaps it will come right some day if not in this world it will in the next I am trying to do the best I can but I intend to get out if I can tell Pa to let me now what can be don I would pitch in rite now but am expecting to heare from him before I now how the matter stands,

[page 2]
Clemer put in a pass to go home to thrash and butcher but it came back disaproved. he has ritten to Sturd in Staunton consurning matters that I will not state heare as there is nothing of importance going on hearat present I will close soon hoping theasfiew lines may find you [unclear: all] well right to me soon I awlways like to heare from you

For nothing but remain yours affectionately


Dec 2th
Since Riteing the above I have thought Pa may not have bin able to go to town to tend to that matter tell him that three of us have ritten to Sturd to do what he can in regard to it. J. Clemmer, G. Cochran and my Self if Pa is not able to see about it he can get some one to do it for him, three of us in company

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