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Augusta County: John P. Dull to Giney Dull, December 22, 1864

Dull thanks Giney for her kind notes and asks that extra food be sent.

Decer 22th 1864

Dear Giney

I take this opportunity to let you now that I am still on the land of the liveing I recievd your cind note mailed the 16th of this month was glad to heare from you [unclear: espesleley ] to heare that you ware well hope this may find you still engoying the same grate blessings heare on earth I rote you a note before this since I came from the valey do not nowwheather you got it or not, also [deleted: ] to Pa recievd one from Pa the same time I did yours tell him was glad to hear from him will ansure it soon. Dear Giney you dont now how glad I am to heare from you right me when ever you can tell me all you can think

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In my last note I rote that I was not well the water in this part of the country causes me to have the diareah but I am in hopes i will get use to it by and by since last righting to you wee have moved our camp a mile or two left the cabins we ware in at that time and are building for ourselves will soon bee ready to go in them the wether is very coald hear to day a good shelter would bee very acceptable now I am free to acnowlage that I do not like this country now way it can bee mixed up but if I must stay hear I will make the best of it I can though I believe I am a little home sick by times but do not like to acknowlage it, bu I hope all things will I work for the best

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if it gose hard in this world and wee should bee so hapy as to reach a better wourld heare after the change will bee the grater we will appreciate it more O for Grace from above to bee prepareed to meet our God at his comeing then all will bee well little [unclear: ods] from where wee are called to go I pray the Lord to give me a will submisive to his come what may I now he directs all things, and I am thankful that he do for there is no other pour able to do it right

Well Giney I wish to say a word to you about something elce. I suppose that is is my lot to stay heare this winter fo eney thing that I now can see I now no other chance I exspect one of our company will bee home on furlow in a fiew days

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I refur to Goloday he expects a furlow soon he promises to try to bring me some thing to eat if he starts in a day or two I will send this by him should he come if you can send me eneything I think you had better pack in a barrel send me some meet and flour some dried frute then I can have some pies made hear also some dry east to make raised bred and what ever elce you think best also you may send me twenty or thirty Dollars in money I now it will bee trubblesom to you to send this barrel but it will bee good to me

Well I must stop for this time hoping the Lord may bless you with a happy Chrismas though I am not with you

as ever yours

John P. Dull

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