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Augusta County: John P. Dull to Giney Dull, March 24, 1865

Dull comments on the shortage of money among soldiers, and his general health and the health of his friends.

Mar 24th, 1865

Dinwidey Co Va

Dear Giney

being at leashure this morning I theought to rite you a line to let you now that I am well at present hoping this may find you engoying the same blessing I have ritten to you lately but no not wether you will get it or not oing to the uncertenty of the mail, I am glad to bee able to say that my health is better than it has bin for some time, wee have moved our quarters since the raid in the valey if you get the last I rote you it will inform you of it if not you will heare the peticulars soon I like this place better than the one wee left except the quarters and they are not so bad as they mite bee I bought a firstrate tent for our mess yesterday so that we are pretty well fixed for soualdiers I gave fifty Dollars for the tent, so that it has taken the most of my money, if you have a chance I wish you would send me some more, if you see no chance To send by hand -send a small sum in a
letter at a time

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I do not care for a little confederate if it will ad eney thing to my coumfort I have some money loaned to some of the boys they cannot pay till the goverment pays them the company is out of money at this time in most cases meney of them have not one cent so you may now it is no hard matter to lone or give out money Well Giney I have no nuse to rite you of importance ad Baylor is at the hospital with the measels Swartzel is also at the hospittal so there is but five of us left in the mess This is very windey wether hear the sand flies in a hurry it is quite disagreable, I will rite soon a gain if I am spared with health and strenth will try to give you more nuse next time hopeing to heare from you soon I close for this time

This I expect to send with a man by the name of Reevs hoe is going home on furlow he lives near mosey creek,

the Lord bless you and take care of you is the humble prare of your affectionate husband

J.P. Dull

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