Valley Personal Papers

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Augusta County: David H. Evans to Mary Anna Sibert, November 9, 1868

Evans writes Sibert to discuss family news and visit plans.

Nov 9th 1868


My Dear Mollie

Hamie & My Self rived home Safely & had a Very plesent ride on our rival home we found Magnus Very sick but he is much better this morning he Says he will Start for Baltimore on Wednesday he Expects to meet your Pa in Balti. I recd your letter on my return home Mr Myers gave the letter to A J E Close on Saturday & he failed to give it to Magnus Magnus did not get untell Sunday

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it is a greate wonder he got at tall. Jonnie Says if you give your letters to the Agt him Self that they will come Safely. Mr Myers did not give the letter to the Agt but gave it to Some one Else on the trains. Magnus wants Ada to Stay untell after Christmass She Says She dont want to Stay that She would rather be at home. They gave me a good Scolding when I got home for not taking your Ma's letter to her I told them it was not My fault. Ada Sayes She is going to write all about it I told her I would write two

I Enclose you a Telegram I recd from your Pa it came after I left on Saturday. You may look for me Saturday my love if I live & nothing happens to prevet me from coming I was Sorry I had to leave you Yesterday I did wish that I could Stay with you with the one I love more then all on Earth with a devotion of heart & Soul which nothing can change or take from you on this Earth I love you with my whole heart & Soul mind & Strenth. You can look for me up

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Saturday if I live

My love to your Ma all send love. I Send a loveing Kiss you & love you with my whole heart & Soul. Excuse [illeg.] writing my love for I wrote it in a hurry I have bin quite Bussey to day. good bye my love may God Bless you

Yours Loveingly

D H Evans

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