Valley Personal Papers

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Augusta County: David H. Evans to Mary Anna Sibert, January 13, 1869

Evans expresses his unhappiness over the prospect of Sibert and her family moving to Eastern Virginia in the Spring, discusses family news, and affirms his love for her.

Jan 13th 1869


My Dear Mollie

Your dear & welcome letter of the 11th came safely to hand I was truly glad to heare from you My love your dear letter has bin read many times my love you cannot immagen how delited I was on the rect of your dear letter & what plesure it gave me to read it my love. I think you have become more reconsiled to Gordonsville then you ware at first I am glad you like the place for no doubt your Pa will moove to Eastern Virginia in the Spring my love I do not like to think of you leaving the Vally

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if your Pa Should moove to Eastern Virginia. My love I do wish you would stay here with Ella for she would be delited to have you Spend the Summer with her. I cant think of you going. My love I would not get see you then my love Ever too weeks it would be months be fore I would see you. I cant think of you going so far from me I do hope your Pa wont leave the Valley [illeg.] my love I have never for [illeg.] moment doubted your love for me I would indeed be unworthy of your love if I did. I Shall never beleave you do not love me untill you tell me you do not. I hope & Pray you will never tell me you have ceased to love me.

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My love I love you with unchanging devotion of my heart & Soul I have loved you truly there is no Man in this world loved woman more truly then what I have you. My love tho you have doubted my love many times I have loved you devotedly & never for one moment have ceased to love you with a true & devoted heart. [illeg.] very sorry indeed to heare of the axcident Ada met with She has all most intirely recovered. She will return to Staunton on Thursday. your Pa did not leave last Tuesday but will leave for Balt Thursday. My love I will try & come

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down Saturday if I can posible get off if I dont Come Saturday I will Saturday week for Sertian if I live but I rather think I will come Saturday

Hamie or John Noon will come with me if I come My love when I do come I want to Stay a week. My love I love you with all the unchanging devotion of my heart & Soul & ever Shall while I live. I love you with my whole heart & Soul. Ella & family are all well Send love to you all are well at home your Ma & Hamie all be down to morrow. give my regards to all. I send a loving Kiss to you & love you with my whole heart & Soul mind & Strenth

Good bye my love God Bless you my love think of me & love me wile you are away for I love you truly.

Yours Lovingly

D H Evans

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