Augusta County: David H. Evans to Mary Anna Sibert,
September 24, 1867
Evans writes briefly to tell Sibert how much he misses her.
Miss Mollie Sibert
Mount Solon
Augusta Co Va
Sept 24th 1867
Miss Mollie
You must Excuse this short note. I commenced a letter this morning and wrote one
line & was cald over to the factory so I could
not write it & I was determined to write if it was [unclear: nt]
but a line I know you will Excuse it I think of you ever hour through the day I wish I had a good Photograph of you so I
could look at it through the day you must have one taken for me but you cant have it taken until you come to Staunton which I
hope wont be long I do wish you were here you dont know how much I miss you I have no place to go at
night it is time I go over to Magnus ever night that is in the store. Magnus
Ella & my self will be down next Saturday if nothin prevents I must close else I wont get
this in the office
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in time you must write me long letter My love to
Your Ma, & all of my friends you can look for us on Saturday. good by I
love you with all my heart
D H Evans