Valley Personal Papers

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Augusta County: David H. Evans to Mary Anna Sibert, December 17, 1867

Evans discusses his recent visit. He tells Sibert that she was the prettiest lady at the wedding and that he was proud to be seen with her.

Dec 17th 1867


Miss Mollie

We all reached home Safely & had a very plesent ride I thought of you all the way home I did wish that you could have come back with us I was so much disapointed for I was Sertian you were coming you did right by not coming I reproached my Self afterwards for trying to persuade you to leave your Ma when She was sick & lonely I hope She is better. I will come down Saturday if you will come back with me Say yes you will come if you do not concent to come why I wont be down untill Christmas I would like very much for you to Spend your Christmas in Staunton

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So you must come that is if your Ma is not too unwell for you to leave her. Ella is very anxous for you to come. I must tell you the Compliment Mr. John Noon payed you he Sad you were the Hansomest Lady he saw at the Wedding he complemented you very highly I dont wish to flatter you for you know I never flatter. you was by far the Hansomest Lady in the Room I felt Proud Standing on the floor with you. your Pa is quite well he left this Morning for California Furnace he will be back Tomorrow. Ella & famley are all well Send love to you all. I Send love to you I love you truly and devotedly with all my heart & Soul. You must Excuse this Short letter I would write you more but have not got the time

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This has bin a very bussy day with us. you must come up with me next Sabbath. I Send love & Kiss to you I love you with all my heart Good by May God bless you My love to your Ma


D H Evans

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