Valley Personal Papers

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Augusta County: David H. Evans to Mary Anna Sibert, March 17, 1868

Evans writes briefly to report on family news and send his love.

March 17 1868


My Dear Mollie

We all rived home Safely we had a very warm ride it felt like August. I was very sorry I did not Stay untill Evening with you I wish you had of menchend it to me when your Pa Started I thought I had to go two I wished often on my way home I had Stayed with you untill Evening. your Pa did not Start to Baltimore this morning but will leave Tomorrow. Ada says She dont want to go to Gordonsville She

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wanted me to take her back home I told her that she had started & that her Pa would not let her go back he told her if She did not like it She could come on to Baltimore & Stay with him.

I wish I was with you to day I would then be happy I love you Truly & devotedly my only & greatest plesure is to be with you who I love with all The Strenth & devotion of my heart I love you & only you no woman in all This world can ever take my heart & all of its deep & fervent love

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from you. I know that you have bin lonely Since we all left I do wish that could have Stayed with you all This week I will be down Saturday week if I live

you must Excuse this letter it was writin in haste as I had but a few moments to write give my love to your Ma & Ham all the children

I Send love & a kiss to you write me a long letter Friday I love to read them


D H Evans

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