Valley Personal Papers

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Augusta County: John Quincy Adams Nadenbousch to Hester J. Nadenbousch, March 6, 1864

Nadenbousch sends his wife a quick note by a lady travelling North. He urges her to respond with a full letter, complaining that she never writes.

March 6/64

My Dearest Hester

This will be handed you by a lady going north. She having been sent through the lines South some 10 months ago

Extend to her your hospitality and as she may possibly be prevented from going farther, & return to her friends below this she in that event will bring any letter or message you may desire to send me

I am still quite well & doing well have not heard from my resignation yet hope to soon

Do write me. I write you by every opportunity & you never write. you certainly could have John to send me letters there is daily chances

I got a pair shoes 2 pr socks & 2 shirts and much obliged to get them If this person does return within our

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lines you write fully by her and it will be sent through

I am so anxious to hear from you & she promises to get me a letter from you & send out by a friend to me

My love to all tell the children to be good

Yours ever


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