Valley Personal Papers

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Augusta County: John Quincy Adams Nadenbousch to Hester J. Nadenbousch, March 18, 1866

Nadenbousch writes his wife to complain about his health and lack of news from home. He sends more instructions on farm preparations. He also reports plans to go to Lexington with the intention of possibly purchasing a hotel there.

Sunday March 18/66

Staunton Va

Dear Wife

Notwithstanding your entire silence since I left home I propose [unclear: to] write you again.

I have been setting in my room this entire day desolate & alone except a doctor came in & remained with me an hour or so I am ever [unclear: afflicted] [illeg.] my eye [unclear: something] better but by no means well I have been blistering my temple today which is quite severe. In the [unclear: ] here alone I assure you I have the [unclear: ] if there be such [unclear: ]. I am anxiously waiting to hear from you to [unclear: know] [unclear: from] Mr P if it is best for me to remain here until my [unclear: cures] are passed over or for me to [unclear: return] at once. If not particularly to my advantage to thus remain away I will return at once even in this condition. I wrote you on Friday last [added: also before that] & am anxious to know how all things are going and to my surprise you have not written me since I left (You must have another spell on you)

If anything important is going on a Telegram will reach me here in few hours & an answer return

M r Riddle can give you all information as to his & my affairs I wrote M r P. & expect to hear from him tuesday In my last I stated fully what G Kilmer had better do as to

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moving farming &c &c If George has note plowed any on your land yet, under all the circumstances he may let it alone & not plow it unless he thinks he will have full time to plow that & the land where he moves. As he moves late I fear he may not be able to put it all in, & the both fields can be put in wheat in the [unclear: fall] & will pay better but if at it let him go on if he can accomplish it all in time

Now I am anxious to know all these things if you intend to write me & give me such information as you can do so And [added: if] you dont intend writing just drop me a note saying so & then I will not look for any, and not be disappointed. As this course is to bad for any one to pursue

My love to all

yours ever

J Q A Nadenbousch

PS Since writing the above I have concluded to go to Lexington tomorrow to be there at the selling of the Lexington Hotel Tuesday If there is any bargain in it I may purchase it to move there. It is the best stand in the state good schools & every thing nice. & if dont like it there can return to West Va again
I expect to sell my interest in Staunton before leaving for home view this favorably ever- J Q A N

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