Freedmen's Bureau Records: S. P. Lee to Thomas P.
Jackson, January 25, 1868
Lee, the Sub Assistant Commissioner for the 10th Virginia Sub-District, sends
Jackson a supply of women's clothing.
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands,
Headquarters 10th
Sub-District of Virginia.
Thomas P. Jackson
Staunton, Va.
January 25 th 1868
Alexandria, Va.
Enclosed please find Duplicate and Triplicate Boxes of clothing. Viz.
40 Womens Dresses
40 Womens Petticoats
25 Womens Chemises
shipped to your address this day, upon the arrival of the same please receipt the Duplicate and forward it to Capt. Geo. Q. White, Chief Qr Mr of the Bureau at Richmond to whom the clothing will be invoiced.
I also enclose Memorandum Receipts in duplicate, which please sign and return to me.
Very Respectfully
Your Obdt.
S.P. Lee
& Bvt.
Lt. Col. US Army
Sub Asst.
Comr. 10th Sub Dist.