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Freedmen's Bureau Records: Jon Kline to Thomas P. Jackson, July 15, 1867

Jon Kline writes Jackson to request that he remove James Bell from his property, whom Kline accuses of being abusive to him and his family.

Capt. T. P. Jackson

When I drew that suit out of court between James Bell (a man of color) you promised in the presence of Daniel Whitesel that you would remove J. Bell if he did not behave himself, he is abusing me my family and little children and what is worse suffers his children to do so too, moreover he curses you the Bureau myself and every white man now Capt according to your promise if you will remove him this week I will not enter suit but if not I have instructed my lawyer to enter suit again Mr Bumgardner will wait on you so soon as you get home.

I want you to attend to it directly for I cant stand it any longer, his garden is no pretext for him to remain there is nothing in it but weeds he is to lazy to work it and hence it is worth nothing which any man can see if he will look at it.

Yours Very Respectfully

Jon Kline
July 15th, 1867

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