Freedmen's Bureau Records: James Cook to Thomas P. Jackson,
April 28, 1867
James Cook disputes a claim made by an Alfred Stribling, who was formerly in his employ.
Thos P. Jackson, Agent F.B.
Apl 28
West View
I received a notice from you through Alfred Stribling (Col) to
pay him $7
which he seems to have claimed of me. Said Alfred Stribling contracted to work for me one
year commencing on last November 27th for $90.00 & house firewood some ground for corn
& vegetables, his board, all furnished free. After working 12 days he quit without any
provocation & went into another man's house. From a former settlement he owed me $2.00
which he
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gives me no credit for. he quit at a time when I needed him worst. (working
at corn) & caused me a great deal of trouble to get a hand in his place, hands being
scarce at that time. I have no disposition to take advantage of this man am willing that the
case be tried before a magistrate I am acting as agent for my mother
Very Respectly
James Cook
West View