Freedmen's Bureau Records: Contract between D.
Kunkle and Reuben Gouldin, January 1, 1867
This contract details the terms of employment between D. Kunkle and Reuben
Memo of contract for cropping on the shares this year entered into this 1st day of January 1867 between D. Kunkle and Reuben Gouldin as follows. The said Gouldin is to work himself and furnish the necessary labour to put in at least say twenty-five acres each corn, wheat & oats, and cultivate the same in such fields on the place upon which he resides as the sd Kunkle may designate and the sd Gouldin is to take good care of & feed all the stock on the premises, to haul & chop ready for use the firewood for sd Kunkle, work his garden & one additional acre, in cane & potatoes or a part of each and to mend up & renew the fences in such way as the sd Kunkle may direct, so as to secure the crops, and is to use energy & industry in carrying on the business - and the said Gouldin is to have one eighth (1/8) of all the field crops raised - namely of the corn, wheat and oats, to have his house rent, garden & firewood free of charge and after the 1st of April the use of one milk cow and for any other work pertaining to the crop, done by the sd Gouldin or his family for the sd Kunkle or his family -- the said Gouldin is to have a fair remuneration -- to be settled up at least once each month, and it is understood they are to do all such work when called upon -- said Gouldin is to have one eighth of the wheat crop now in the ground and is to sow [added: & put in] as much and leave it should he remain but one year and he is to prepare all the crops raised for mill or market. It is further understood that should the said Kunkle become dissatisfied with the said Gouldin's way of doing business, he may at any time cancel this contract by giving the said Gouldin thirty days notice & paying him at the rate of twelve dollars per month for his services -- in lieu of any part of the crop, provided however that should he the sd Kunkle not give such notice before the 1st day of August Sd Gouldin shall remain the year out & receive a part of the crop as herein before provided, sd Kunkle to furnish the horse, seed, and all the tools necessary for carrying on the business.
Given under our hands, date above.