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Freedmen's Bureau Records: Contract between John Bumgardner and J. D. Summers, March 24, 1868

This contract details the terms of tenancy for John Bumgardner on the land of J. D. Summers.

Memorandum of an agreement made & entered into this 24th day of March 1868 between John Bumgardner (cold) and Echols Bell Catlett & Co. as agents for John D. Summers. Witnesseth that whereas the said Bumgardner claims to have rented a farm of 80 acres belonging to said Summers from J.W. Clayton as agent, for Fifty dollars from Jany 1, 1868 to Jany 1, 1869 & to make a fence between this land & John Slurry, twenty five dollars of which has been paid, & whereas the said [unclear: issuance] contesting the right have [illeg.] [unclear: taken] legal proceedings to recover possession of said farm, the said parties hereto have made the following compromise -- 1 st The proceedings at law to be dismissed at once. 2d. The said Bumgardner agrees that if the said agents shall sell said land during the year, he will surrender full possession of said land in thirty days after he shall be notified of said sale, upon the following conditions, to wit that he shall be paid the value of whatever crop he may have out upon the land, which value shall be ascertained by two disinterested farmers of the neighborhood to be chosen mutually by the said parties & their [unclear: umpire] in case of disagreement. Said Bumgardner is to go on at once & complete the said fence. If no sale is made within the year by said agents, said Bumgardner will give possession of said property on the 1st of January 1869

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& the usual privilege to the owner or his agents to put in a full crop. If the farm shall be soon sold, said Bumgardner shall be paid a reasonable price for any labor expended upon said farm & of the rent that he has paid, which amount shall be ascertained by the [unclear: referees] as above.

Witness the following signatures:

A. Anderson

John X [added: his mark] Bumgardner

Echols Bell Catlett & Co.
agents for J.D. Summers

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