Freedmen's Bureau Records: Thomas P. Jackson to John
A. McDonnell, December 17, 1867
Jackson writes McDonnell about the Alexander-McCutchen case, noting the the
administrator of the McCutchen estate requires legal proof before he will settle
the claim.
Capt. John A.
Sub Asst Comr
Dec 17, 1867
Staunton, Va
I respectfully refer to a communication from Brev Lt. Col. James Johnson S.A.C. 6th Dist. Va. dated May 1/67 (returned to your Head Quarters May 12/67 with an endorsement thereon made by me. May 12/67) asking aid to collect a claim of $130 said to be due to the children of Henry Alexander (col'd) by James McPhetus McCutchen, deceased, lately of Augusta Co. Claimant in behalf of the children of Benjamin Moten (col'd)
The heirs dispute the claim and the Administrator notifies me that unless legal proof is presented he cannot pay the amount or any portion thereof. As the estate is solvent and must soon be settled, I ask Henry Alexander's children [unclear: furnish] me at once with proper legal proof of the solidity of their claim.
Very Respectfully
Yr. Obt. Servt
Thos. P. Jackson, Agent