Freedmen's Bureau Records: J. Garrett, Jr. to John
W. Jordan, May 8, 1868
Garrett's letter to Jordan deals with discrepancies between the wages owed to
several men, and the obligations their employer (name unclear) assumed for
Office Va. Central R. R. Company
Col. Jno W.
May 8, 1868
Yours of this date is received. Mr. [unclear: Chunnery] the [unclear: new] [illeg.] [unclear: Muster] notified me a short time ago not to pay any of the men employed on his [illeg.] as he had assumed obligations for many of them which were to be paid out of their wages. I therefore refer you to him and if you will obtain from Mr. F. J. [unclear: Chunnery] a statement showing the amt. due William Meredith after deducting such obligations (if any have been incurred on his account) I will pay the amount found to be due. The payroll for April has not been received at this office & I do not know what is due Wm. Meredith for that month.
The amounts appearing due on payrolls for January, Feb'y & March are:
January 14.30
February 14.20
March 21.15
April Not Known--
(Subject to deductions (if any) for
obligations incurred by [unclear: Ch-g] as above mentioned)
Yours Respectfully
J. Garrett, Jr.
P.S. I return Meredith's order