Valley Personal Papers

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Freedmen's Bureau Records: Harriet Brown to Frederick S. Tukey, July 24, 1867

Harriet Brown writes to Tukey (although the Agent in Staunton by this time was Thomas P. Jackson) to report that a man who had been keeping her as his wife had deserted her. She asks how she should proceed.

July 24th 1867

Greenville Augusta cty

Mr Tukie

John Streets A Colored man has been keeping me as his wife & Bedding with me & for last 4 months & now has deserted me. & I wish to now if he has not A wife to keep me & my child or not pleas write to me At Greenville & let me now how to Procced with him

yours Truly

Harriet Brown

he has Promised all A long to Marry me & has [added: not] now won't do it

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