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Freedmen's Bureau Records: John W. Jordan to John A. McDonnell, May 16, 1868

Jordan asks McDonnell for an appropriation of twenty dollars for the Waynesboro Freedmen's Schoolhouse, which McDonnell declines in the attached endorsement.

Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Office 4th Division, 9th Sub-District, Virginia. Capt Jno A. McDonnell
Sub Asst Comr
B of R. F. & A. L.
Winchester, Va

May 16th 1868

Staunton, Va.,


I have the honor to apply for an additional appropriation of Twenty $20 Dollars for the benefit of the Waynesboro Freedmens School House &c for the following named reasons.

The building is very nearly completed & all that is wanting now to [unclear: reuse] same is a matter of 4000 Shingles for the purchase of which the appropriation is called for.

I earnestly hope the appropriation will be made as there is no possibility of our being able to raise the amt required from any other source.

I am Capt. Your obt Svt

Jno W. Jordan
A.S.A. Cmr &

Bureau R.F. & A.L.
Head Qrs 9th Sub Dist. Va
Winchester, May 18. 1868Respectfully returned to John W. Jordan, A.S.A.C.Disapproved - The application for aid in building the Schoolhouse at Waynesboro was granted with the understanding that with the aid furnished the building would be immediately completed by the freedmen. The attention of Mr. Jordan is invited to endorsement of R. M. Manly, Supt of Education dated Mch 19.68 to an appn of Thos P. Jackson dated July 17.68 stating that "the funds for rental and repair of schoolhouse are exhausted."
John A. McDonnell
Sub Asst Comr

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