Valley Personal Papers

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Freedmen's Bureau Records: John A. McDonnell to Thomas P. Jackson, January 9, 1868

McDonnell describes the procedures by which Jackson is to keep account of the Bureau's supply of clothing for gratuitous distribution to the poor.

Bureau R. F. & A. L.
Head Qrs 9t Sub Dist. Va. Mr. Thos. P. Jackson
Staunton, Va

Jany 9th/68

Winchester, Va


In reply to your communication of 6th inst. you are informed that the clothing [unclear: reissued] to is for gratuitous issue to the destitute of your Division. You will take their receipt on duplicate Receipt Rolls as heretofore. As party these articles beelong to "Bureau Property", and the rest to "[unclear: C.C.&G.E.]" and are therefore required to be accounted for on separate Returns, you will make two sets of Rolls, each set in duplicate; on set to embrace the following articles C.C.&G.E. viz.

30 Jackets, Irregular
20 Great Coats, [unclear: Juty]

The other set to include all the balance being as follows - 75 pr Trousers, 63 Shirts, 100 Osuaburg Shirts, 25 pr children's Shoes, 75 pr Mens Shoes

Please be careful to describe the articles on the Rolls, exactly as they are described here, That being the manner in which they are described in the [unclear: Service] to me.

Very Respy, Your Obedt St

John A. McDonnell
Agent in Charge

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